Sunday, November 26, 2023

Slow Sunday (and Monday and Tuesday...) Stitching

Suzy Ducken
This little 5 x 7 cross stitch is finished. I had to fudge a little bit in a couple of places because I could not see the darned chart very well and it never occurred to me to enlarge it on my printer until I was finished. Well, anyway, this will be the center of a Courthouse Steps baby quilt someday.  I just happen to have some oranges and lime greens I will use for the sides. 

According to the Suzy's Zoo website: "Suzy Ducken is a cheerful and friendly girl ducken who loves to make everybody happy. Suzy is loved throughout The Beak Isles and is a bright spark of sunshine in Duckport."

Now that I have kind of gotten interested in cross stitch again I decided on another project - making a few biscornus.   The first one is a freebie chart from Cross Stitch Happy. 

I found my little magnetic board so I can mark my place and maybe see where the stitches should be from now on. 

I also found several packages of aida cloth picked up from the thrift stores ages ago.  So I think I will be making several biscornus. 

I also have most of the colors of floss needed but will make a few substitutes for the colors I don't have. My floss also needs quite a bit of organizing. Long ago I started winding a lot of it on cards each time I started a project and filled up a couple of floss boxes but I also have bought a lot on sale or picked up bunches from thrift stores or just plain have not put back leftovers after a project back into the floss box. Pretty messy. But right now I don't want to stop and organize everything I just want to stitch.

A biscornu is a small, octagonal, stuffed ornamental pincushion.     I made this one a long time ago and although it looks like it is gathering dust I use it often. 

I usually have several handwork project boxes (old Christmas tins) filled with items needed for the project and I like to put my little biscornu and magic needle book in the box. This is the one I took to the hospital so I could work on big stitching my Roses in the Cabin quilt.  When I start my next big stitching project I will put away all those threads and put in the ones needed for big stitching that quilt. 

So, anyway, I would like a few more biscornus for a few more project boxes. And since I have the supplies laying around I might as well get to it. 

Last week I was excited to have actually finished a crocheted sock. Gayle (Mangofeet) commented that knitters sometimes suffer from Second Sock Syndrome.   I thought she made that up but I Googled Second Sock Syndrome and found out it is a real thing. Well, I'm not a knitter but I suppose crocheters can also suffer from Second Sock Syndrome. Gosh, I definitely do not want the Second Sock Syndrome so I have started on my second (very wild) sock.  Won't they be fun to wear? (If I ever went any place).



Julierose said...

Wow you also do such lovely counted cross stitching, Cathy!! Love that Suzy's Zoo gal--so cute...perfect for the center of a quilt...
You are keeping really busy with all your handworks...
Your sock yarn is a lovely color blend......
hugs, Julierose

Angela said...

Such cheerful projects to work on!

Nann said...

Oh, the floss....I still have a copy-paper box that holds all the DMC floss that I haven't used in ages. We stopped at a thrift shop yesterday and I was tempted by a bin with skeins of Appleton crewel wool but I did not succumb!

Quilter Kathy said...

I do love to peak into someone's stitching tin! My floss is a mess also, and I just keep stitching instead of organizing. I adore little Suzy Ducken - she has real pizzazz!
Your socks are also very happy looking, so keep going and make that 2nd one!

CathieJ said...

Suzy looks fantastic. What a great center for a baby quilt. I like the biscornu pattern you are planning on. Great use for those random cross-stitch fabrics you have. I love those crocheted socks.

JCH said...

Love the socks. You could put a rubber grippy bottom on them and use them as slippers. I would want to wear them all the time. :)

gayle said...

I've gotten back into cross stitch, too. Somewhere I've got a box of floss leftover from olden times, but I haven't come across it yet. Meanwhile, those little skeins seem to be accumulating around me again...

MissPat said...

I had to look up what biscornus were (before you told us later).
The socks look like they would be great foot warmers. I would think they would be too thick to be comfortable in a shoe. I have a bunch of UFO cross stitch projects from too many years ago. Stopped doing it when I started quilting and don't think my eyes are up to going back to it.

Jenny said...

There you go again, still as busy as a bee! Pleased to see that second sock started.

Chantal said...

Love Suzy Ducken. What a fun girl! Your next crossstitch project is beautiful. I have collected, on Pinterest, a few patterns for biscornus. I haven't started any as I'm not sure how to pour the crushed walnut into it. Anywho. One day, I'll google it. I'm sure the answer is there. Enjoy! ;^)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Suzy Ducken is cute as can be! She'll be fun as the center of a quilt. My floss is in a big tangle from stitching over the years - I just keep pulling colors out and using them!

Karrin Hurd said...

Cute projects you are working on. I particularly like the Suzy Ducken! Happy stitching!

Linda said...

Well, I’ve learned a new word - biscomus - I’m wondering if it’s a French word, so off to consult Mr Google. Love your cross stitch duck, she looks really wacky. Don’t know how you have the patience to do cross stitch, it would drive me crazy!

Pamela Arbour said...

Oh Cathy, you can be so entertaining! Your Ducken is darling. You taught me a new word and a new phrase. I have never heard of a bisconus. I'm looking forward to seeing you make one. I guess you must have a pattern for that? And the "one sock syndrome." I thought that was due to losing one in the laundry. LOL I love the thought of knitted or crocheted socks but I think they would be too thick to put on with shoes, so I say you should finish the pair and wear them around the house to keep your tootsies warm this winter.

Jeanne said...

Ha -- I stitched up a whole set of biscornus some years ago, still have a few of them around. Counted cross stitch is too hard on my eyes any more.