UFOs as of January 1, 2024
As I finish UFOs throughout the year I will strike through them. Any new starts for the year will get added to the bottom of the list.
Christmas Burgoyne Surrounded (Secret Santa)
Birds in the Air Lotto
Birds in the Air Lotto
Geese Around
Foothills (Bar and Chain) (flimsy 2019)
Foothills (Bar and Chain) (flimsy 2019)
Beauteous (flimsy 2019)
RSC 1000 Pyramids (flimsy 2019)
Kansas Troubles (flimsy 2019)
Sail Away (flimsy 2019)
Kansas Troubles (flimsy 2019)
Sail Away (flimsy 2019)
2019 flimsies made of orphans-
Batik Bazaar
Bow Diddley
Bow Diddley
2020 flimsies
Apron Strings
Apron Strings
Edyta Mystery (Rose Scraps)
Whirlwind (Twirla)
2x4 coins from 4.5 scrap bin Fine and Dandy ('30s)
Bars Lotto ((flimsy 2021)Peacock Tumblers (flimsy 2021)
Clarissa (flimsy 2021)Blue Elephant scrap quilt #2- changed to valued quilt (flimsy 2021)39P Puss in Corner (flimsy 2021)Halloween (flimsy)
Wonky Stars II
2021 flimsies - very old starts
Clarissa (flimsy 2021)
DD9P swap (flimsy 2021)
2021 flimsies - 2020 starts
A11-God Bless America (send flimsy to Alycia)
Sugarloaf Leftovers (flimsy 2021)
2021 flimsies - 2021 starts
CW repro log cabin//court house steps (flimsy 2021)
A12-Dakota Inspired Mystery (by Alycia)
Edyta Sitar Mystery (flimsy 2021)
Rose Boho Mystica (flimsy 2021)
Waffle Cone Roses (flimsy 2021)
Bed of Roses (flimsy 2021)
RSC Dove in the Window (flimsy 2021)
BIG prints series (2021):
Hen Party (flimsy)
Oh Say Can You See (Patriotic Text)
Really OLD UFOs
Fractured (needs new center)
Pansies needs border w/ applique pansies
Pickle Dish I Kathy Doughty
Pickle Dish II (Tobacco Leaf)
Trash Talking (turned into medallion 2019)
Farmer's Wife Sampler (flimsy 2023)
CW Sampler
Christmas Ornies (combine with Christmas Trees, make mugs and presents and stars for row quilt)
Emerald Isle
Sunny Lanes
Improv Trees
Tea Towel Challenge
Vintage Spin II
Vintage Spin Leftovers Flying Geese
Vintage Spin Trimmings
Valentine Castle (3 different tops 2023) :
Fractured (needs new center)
Pansies needs border w/ applique pansies
Pickle Dish I Kathy Doughty
Pickle Dish II (Tobacco Leaf)
Trash Talking (turned into medallion 2019)
Farmer's Wife Sampler (flimsy 2023)
CW Sampler
Christmas Ornies (combine with Christmas Trees, make mugs and presents and stars for row quilt)
Emerald Isle
Sunny Lanes
Improv Trees
Tea Towel Challenge
Vintage Spin II
Vintage Spin Leftovers Flying Geese
Vintage Spin Trimmings
Valentine Castle (3 different tops 2023) :
Hugs and Kisses at Castle Wall
Throwing Snowballs at Castle Wall
Brown Cow
Tree of Life
Jan 2018 Lotto
Tea Leaves
Improv Circles RedBrown
Improv Circles Neutral
Rainbow (flimsy 2021)
30s Goose in Pond
BW postage stamp
6" 30s
Creatures Great and Small Hexies
Gwennie Medallion II
4" Mish Mash
Valentine Crazy
Brown Cow
Tree of Life
Jan 2018 Lotto
Tea Leaves
Improv Circles RedBrown
Improv Circles Neutral
Rainbow (flimsy 2021)
30s Goose in Pond
BW postage stamp
6" 30s
Creatures Great and Small Hexies
Gwennie Medallion II
4" Mish Mash
Valentine Crazy
Christmas row quilt
2018 New Starts
Kaleido Ruler Patriotic Fabrics
Plat Map
Delectable Mts (acquired) (flimsy 2022)
Kaleido Ruler Patriotic Fabrics
Plat Map
Delectable Mts (acquired) (flimsy 2022)
2019 New Starts
Moon Garden
Vintage Embroidery 30s
Pineapple nine patch medallion (was actually an old UFO now turned medallion in 2019)
Grape Basket
Bear Foot at the Beach (took blocks apart?)
Maple Leaf runner (lotto blocks)
Orphan WIP Black/Yellow
2020 New Starts
flower basket SAR
A11-God Bless America (send flimsy to Alycia)
Sugar Plums
Tabby Mt Leftovers (chain reaction)
waste triangle hourglasses medallion
2021 New Starts
Paths and Stiles (flimsy 2023)
Framed Stars (39p centers)
Lego Lynn's Way
HST strips
Brown 18P w 1.5 scraps (small change)
Brown Jacob's Ladder (flimsy 2022)
Dark blue 9P - Churn Dash Variation
Carpenter Star SAR
kentucky crossroads
flying geese spiral
QST Nine Patch?
16 Patch
Acquired 2021
Lori holt (liz)
orphans (Brendalou)
New Starts 2022
pink Wiggle Time variation (flimsy 2022)
lime/orange anvils SAR
cw repro anvils//large hsts
patriotic anvil/large hsts (flimsy 2022)
3 inch snowballs to go with lt corner nine patches (move to RSC)
QMania dalarna RSC
Floating Nine Patch RSC
Monkey Wrench largeRSC
Monkey Wrench small RSC
Monkey Wrench medium RSC
Monkey Wrench #4
Easy Sunday (flimsy 2022)
Pieces of Eight 30s//Cheyenne (flimsy 2023)
Soul Searching In The Rose Garden (flimsy 2022)
Long May She Wave Alycia Mystery (flimsy 2022)
8 patch 30s (buckey beauty var leftovers) (flimsy 2023)
Autumn Disappearing 9 on diagonals
Fractured Rails/Crooked Mile SAR
Squared Away RSC
Temperature 1952
Temperature 2022
Indian Hatchet with shirts
Four Patch r/w/b Melting Pot(flimsy 2023)
Backstories II
New Starts 2023
Small baskets (Edyta Sitar Scrappy Fireworks Quilts)
Broken Wheel w/ Stashbuster winnings +
Whirl (little nine patches cw repros)
Valentine 9P and squares (flimsy 2023)
Complement 4P (bag of 3 inch scraps)
16P/lime green 2 inch sqs (flimsy 2023)
16 patch dk/light (2 inch sqs) (SAR)
b/w and one other color (2 inch sqs)
b/w and one other color (3 inch sqs)
novelty wonky stars (3 inch sqs) RSC
pastel nine patches (3 inch sqs) RSC
Food baskets
brown Pavement Pattern
Quarter Stars in browns
9P Snowballs dk/lt corners RSC
RSC Quarter/Patchwork Stars
Alycia Mystery Four Corners (flimsy 2023)
Old World (flimsy 2024)
?? Vintage w/pinwheel (Starry Path)
Scrapbuster Claudia RSC (flimsy 2024)
Connecting Threads Happy with Geese inspired black/blue
Connecting Threads inspired Happy with Geese (RSC)
Bramble Blooms 1 (flimsy 2024)
Gone Fishing:
1. Aquarium (flimsy 2023)
5.Surf and Turf (flimsy 2024)
Fan Flowers
Dresden Fan (roses)
Hummingbird (aka Periwinkle, Arkansas Snowflake) on muslin
Hummingbird on yellow
Kaleidoscope RSC (yellow background)
Snowball/9P (like Blue Elephant one) (flimsy 2024)
Kaleidoscope on yellow/Broken Wheel scraps??
Twilight Flight
Blueberry Farm
Shiloh(flimsy 2024)
Doughty Fanciful Flowers
Berry Wreath (Tilda)
Rainbow Scrap Challenge WIPS
Double Irish Chain (flimsy 2023)
PSP20 (flimsy 2023)
2021-square bit coins (small change/18 patch) (flimsy 2023)
Gum Wrapper Chain
1.5 x 2.5
Potato Chip
Windmills (SAR)
1.5 x 3.5
Switchplate (SAR)
2" scraps
Wonky Stars
Wedding Ring SAR
Wonky Shoofly//solids
bow ties (SAR)
bow ties (SAR)
QST 4P to go with 4P (alternate blocks) SAR
2.5" scraps
Chips or SIS (2021 start) SAR:
Indian Hatchet (2021 start))
3.5 plus 2 from chunks
x+ SAR
Uneven nine patches ((made one quilt now working on another)???
Antique Tile SAR
Buckeye Beauty ((flimsy 2022)
Snowballs to alternate with 39P
Snowball in nine patch dk/lt corner blocks
3.5 hsts to go with QST/4P made w/ 2 inch scraps
Flowers (Violet Lotto)
5 inch
Sun Prints (jewel and b/w)
Old Italian
3 inch
4 inch
4.5 + 2.5
Crumby Hourglasses (started 2020)
Leaves w/warm
Anvil w/ cool
Flowers w/cool (half snowball flowers)
Wiggle Time
Read the Fine Print or Read Between the Lines(Fox and Geese)
leftovers =coins
Read the Fine Print or Read Between the Lines(Fox and Geese)
leftovers =coins
Parts (make with leftovers/scraps)
????? many
13. Orphan Mildred (old 12 inch '30s blocks)
2. Orphan Olivia greens (flimsy 2024)
5. Orphan Rufus browns (flimsy 2024)
6. Orphan Stella (red,blue, purple) flimsy 2024
7. Orphan Tobias (orphan block stars/yelow points) flimsy 2024
8. Orphan Ursula (flimsy 2024) 12 inch blocks including houses20
9. Orphan Vernon (crumb blocks) flimsy 2024
10 Orphan Winifred (tigers) flimsy 2024
11 Orphan Xavier (crumb stars pink points) flimsy 2024
12 Orphan Yolanda (red, white crumbs framed in black) flimsy 2024
13 Orphan Zeke (cream framed slabs etc) flimsy 2024
14 Orphan Archibald (green pinwheels and other 12 inch blocks and striped strips) flimsy 2024
15 Orphan Bertha (cracker blocks) flimsy 2024
Box of Happy Blocks
??? many
From Others
Green rails (flimsy 2023)
New Starts 2024
Boho Stars
Stars Like Spaghetti (flimsy 2024)
SAHRR (blue flimsy 2024)
Cheerios 10 inch
16P with green alternate (2 inch sqs)
Crumb Top (katie) (flimsy 2024)
Crumb Top (katie) (flimsy 2024)
Elephant strippie (katie) (flimsy 2024)
blue/yellow squares (donna) (flimsy 2024)
irish chain (katie)
strings -
1. 8 pt star/blues
2. spider web/black--multi
3. featherbed --- green
Happy Critters (flimsy 2024)
Happy Rainbow (flimsy 2024)
Olympic Challenge (flimsy 2024)
RBY Sawtooth Stars (novelty centers) Fimsy 2024
Crossroads 3.5 x 4.5
Shoofly (4 inch scraps)
Broken Dishes (4 inch scraps)
pink/blue economy block w/ 4P centers
3 inch scraps -
1. pastels - hot cross nine patch (flimsy 2024)
2. 16P Star novelties (flmsy 2024)
3. 4 patch HSTs (flimsy 2024)
4. complements 4P (flimsy 2024)
5. black,white and one other color (flimsy 2024)
6 brown half snowballs (unchained melody) Flimsy 2024
7. purple, green, orange Sawtooth (SAR)
8. rwb Sawtooth/16 P (flimsy 2024)
9 4P
10 basket weave (flimsy 2024)
11 - peaks and valleys
12 - 16 Patch R/B/Y
13 - Bits of Bricks
Hole in Barn Door (fox)
Acquired from Cindy -- 3 tops/backs/binding
Courtthouse Steps (SAR)
ribbon candy 6 inch (flimsy 2024)
ribbon candy 5.5 inch
ribbon candy 5 inch
Wonky Rail Roses (flimsy 2024)
Snowball/9P Roses (fllimsy 2024)
3 inch crooked rails (fractured units)
basket weave with crumbs (6.5 x 9.5 with black borders)
crumb stars (orphans 6.5 inch)/pink points
framed squares 6 inch (SAR)
6 inch pink/blue different blocks (SAR)
hidden log cabin
16P Vintage fllorals and plaids
Oh my! How do you organize this? I know you have it organized somehow.
I would also like to know how you keep these quilts and parts organized. How do you store them?
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