Saturday, March 1, 2025

March Is For Yellow Scraps

Crooked Mile
(I've also called these blocks Fractured Rails)
10 inch blocks
They are made with 3 x 3.5 inch rectangles so either width of scrap can be used to make these. 

Yellow is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color for March. 

"How lovely yelllow is! It stands for the sun." - Vincent van Gogh"

I finished blocks with pink scraps I didn't get to in January and...

... with blue scraps...

...which was February's color. 

I'm making them in dark and light in the color of the month. 
I first came across the way to make the wonky stack and shuffle units fom Kathy Doughty (Material Obsession) books. Sometimes I call these "fractured units" - Fractured is the name of one of Kathy Doughty's quilts that uses these units in a larger size than what I'm making. 

7 x 9 inch blocks
Made with 3.5 x 4.5 inch rectangles so either width of scrap can be used. 

All blocks will have brown crosses with red centers. 

I also caught up with making blocks with pink and blue scraps. And a few brown ones snuck in there too. 

And sew on...


1 comment:

Julierose said...

Lovely blocks, Cathy!! I especially am drawn to those Cross blocks--
nice WIPS--hugs, Julierose