Orphan Xavier
40 x 60
The Sawtooth Star centers are 6.5 inch orphan blocks given to me by others. Most are crumb blocks. I tried to use all blocks that had some pink in them.
The Star points, sashing and binding are all the same pink fabric. The backgrounds are all scraps of greens and blues. I made the top December 2023 when I was trying to use up piles of orphan blocks given to me over the years.
I quilted it on my sewing machine with swirls of light pink.
Giant polka dots on pink on back.
Now Orphan Xavier is ready for some lovin' !
And sew on...
REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)
Happy 51st Birthday to my oldest son Sean! How can this be? I thought I was younger than that!
According to what I wrote in Sean's baby book he was born on Jan. 13, 1974 at 9:19 in the morning. He weighed 9 lbs. 5.5 oz. and was 21 inches long. We lived in Naples, FL at the time and he was born in the very small community hospital. The baby book also says I arrived at the hospital at 12:09 a.m. We waited until after midnight so we didn't have to pay for just a few minutes of a day. I remember after I got to the hospital a nurse showed me into a room with a couple of beds. A screaming, wailing, cursing and moaning woman occupied one of the beds. I must have looked horrified because I have to say with my first born I really did not know anything about birthin' no babies and didn't know what was ahead of me. I felt a little better after the nurse examined me and she said, "Don't worry, honey, you are farther along than she is."
I've been going through and sorting old photos. In the pile of "Sean Photos" I found a pic of Sean, me and John. Sean was probably around 2 years old. I say that because I know that shirt I have on is a maternity shirt I made. I was pregnant with my daughter then. I made my clothes back then and liked to hand embroider on them. I can't believe I spent so much time embroidering on a maternity top! But I did want to have a lot of kids and probably thought it would last through many pregnancies. Those were the days before there were many big box stores and when it was cheaper to make clothes than buy them. It's also the days when maternity tops were loose fitting and didn't show off the baby bump like they do nowadays. FYI - I made my beaded necklace too.