WITB (What's in the Box, Bin, Bag) is the theme in my sewing space for the month of March. I've been trying to see how many bags, bins and boxes I can empty to move a few UFOs forward.
I've also been working with yellow scraps this month because that is the March Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color.
And I don't always follow the challenges issued by the Scrapbuster group but this month the challenge is 1.5 inch scraps. I have been trying to empty a couple of boxes of those this month.
Rail Fence
5 inch blocks
Rail Fence
5 inch blocks
On a post at the beginning of the month I showed a couple of boxes of 1.5 inch width scraps I had sorted into bags. One bag held strips greater than 2.5 inches. I pulled out that bag and cut pieces into 5.5 inch lengths, sorted by color and sewed 5 strips of the same color together to make 78 Rail Fence blocks.
BAG empty!
Four Patch
6 inch blocks
I emptied a little baggie of Four Patch parts in red, white and blue. I think these were left over from making Americana.
The resulting Four Patches are now in the red, white and blue orphanage. That box is overflowing so I might have to make a red, white and blue orphan block quilt soon.
Another one of the bags in my 1.5 inch width scrap boxes held pieces longer than 5.5 inch and at least 14 inches long. I matched a colored with a neutral and cut 14 inch lengths. I didn't have enough neutrals so had to cut a few of those from scrap chunks. I emptied my bag and made 92 strip sets.
Those 92 strip sets are now going into the Boo Boo Patch project bag. Moving forward I will pull out the ones in the RSC color of the month, subcut and make into my Boo Boo (or 18) Patches.
I currently have 168 Patches and when I use those strip sets to make 92 more blocks I will reach my goal of 260 -- 3x6 inch blocks. That will be enough for a 60 x 78 quilt (20 blocks by 13 blocks).
I emptied another baggie of 1.5 inch width strips that were less than 5.5 inches.
I cut those into rectangles 1.5 x 2.5 and 1.5 inch squares.
The 1.5 x 2.5 inch rectangles went into the Potato Chip baggie.
The 1.5 inch squares (postage stamps) went into a bigger bag of 1.5 inch squares.
I've been using those to make my Gum Wrapper Chain strips. This one has been stalled for a bit because I ran out of 1.5 inch squares. However, I recently received that big bag of 1.5 inch squares so I can work on this Postage Stamp quilt once again.
And remember I had two boxes of bags of 1.5 inch width scraps at the beginning of the month?
Well, now I only have one box because I emptied the men's size 13 shoe box.
The box of what I have left for 1.5 inch width scraps - a baggie with some longer pastel strips I will put with my pastel scraps, a baggie of multiple width of fabric (WOF) strips of the same fabric, a baggie of neutral pieces all lengths to be sorted and cut, a baggie of black and whites I will put with my black/white UFO, a baggie of pieces left over after making Waffles, Rails and Boo Boo Strips that need to be sorted and cut for WIPs/UFOs.
Oh, and I did put some 1.5 inch width pieces long enough for 4 HSTs into my Little Baskets (4 inch) project box. I have 35 Basket Blocks and my goal is 110.
I emptied another baggie that someone had given me with Tumbler pieces. I sewed those together into 9 strips 3.5 x 40 inches long. I figured I could use that length of strips in a row/strippie quilt.
Someone also gave me a baggie of 4 Patch parts so I made those 15 - 6 inch blocks and emptied that bag.
I have a little bag of old calico bits and pieces so I put the Tumbler strips and Four Patches in with those- Fodder for a future quilt.
I'm keeping score of what bags and boxes emptied this month:
1- Coins
2 - Legos
3 - 1.5 inch width scraps
1 - Kaleidoscope
2 - solid 1.5 inch strips for 51 Waffles
3 - 1.5 inch strips for 9 Legos
4 - Windmill blocks
5 - Happy Block parts
6 - Posies
7 - 1.5 inch strips for 78 Rail Fence blocks
8 - Four Patch parts
9 - 1.5 inch strips for 92 strip sets for Boo Boo Patches
10 - 1.5 inch width strips cut into rectangles and squares
11 - Tumblers
12 - Four Patch parts
And sew on...
Look at you GOOOOOOO! Love your variety of scrappy future quilts!
Wow! I am impressed. I don’t keep scraps and I’m pretty quick to get rid of projects that are not holding my attention so your process is amazing. Well done!
Very cool! So many future projects to work on. If you ever run out of scraps, I see a medical emergency ahead! Lol
You are so organized with your projects on-the-go, Cathy!! I need to corral my "starts" and put notes in each box as to what the heck I meant to do!! hugs, Julierose
OMG! You are making me dizzy! You are so organized that you are making me jealous! I moved recently but all/most of my stuff is in a storage facility all boxed up and most of it out of reach. I am staying in a bedroom at my sister's house temporarily. I don't know where anything is and it's driving me crazy.
Those calico prints are yummy, Cathy. I just love seeing all your pretties in the works. You are certainly rockin' the scraps! Enjoy your week. Hugs.
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