Tuesday, March 25, 2025

A Sawtooth Star Flimsy

It's a flimsy!
Sawtooth Stars
50 x 70

I made the 35 ten inch blocks last year when I was working on emptying a box of 3 inch width scraps. I used orange, purple and green scraps from that box for the star points and background. Thinking outside that box (😉) I used some 5.5 inch squares for the star centers.  After I completed making all of the blocks I put all blocks in a big bag and put big bag in SAR (Some Assembly Required) bin. 

It's not easy to take pics in wind and when the sun is shining on only half the top. 

And sew on...

 WITB (What's in the Box, Bin, Bag) is the theme in my sewing space for the month of March. I've been trying to see how many bags, bins and boxes I can empty to move a few UFOs forward.

I've also been working with yellow scraps this month because that is the March Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color. 

And I don't always follow the challenges issued by the Scrapbuster group but this month the challenge is 1.5 inch scraps. I have been trying to empty a couple of boxes of those this month.

And now that the Sawtooth Stars are in a top I'm left holding the (empty) bag! 

I'm keeping score of what bags and boxes emptied this month:

1- Coins
2 - Legos
3 - 1.5 inch width scraps

1 - Kaleidoscope
2  - solid 1.5 inch strips for 51 Waffles
3 - 1.5 inch strips for 9 Legos
4 - Windmill blocks
5 - Happy Block parts
6 - Posies
7 - 1.5 inch strips for 78 Rail Fence blocks
8 - Four Patch parts
9 - 1.5 inch strips for 92 strip sets for Boo Boo Patches
10 - 1.5 inch width strips cut into rectangles and squares
11 - Tumblers
12 - Four Patch parts
13 - Sawtooth Stars 

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Sundial (or wild) Lupine Seed Packet

You may or may not remember that a couple of months ago I started winter sowing seeds in milk jugs and pots with shower caps. Mostly I sowed native wildflowers that need some cold stratification. 

I'm starting to see some sprouts in some of the pots and jugs. 

Sundial Lupine is the sole host plant for the endangered Karner Blue butterfly. 

"The Karner blue butterfly experienced drastic declines in the 1970s and 1980s. It is now believed to be extirpated in Illinois, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maine and New Hampshire, and in the Canadian province Ontario. It is listed as endangered by the U.S. government. 
"The main threat to the species has been habitat loss and degradation. Because the larvae feed only on wild lupine, habitats are also lost to succession, the lupine being eventually shaded out by pines, oak and shrubby vegetation."

Maybe if I build their field of dreams they will come.


Kathy S. said...

I always love to see how others start their seeds. I know I don't need a fancy greenhouse to make it a go. The more re-purposed and thrifty I can be the more joy it brings me.

Love the block in the middle of your Sawtooth Star flimsy with the people in it. Whimsical. :)

Julierose said...

Your Sawtooth Stars top looks like it would a fun one to quilt, Cathy.
I love the "Ring Around a Rosie" center on the middle block--so cute...
Nice to see your seeds sprouting--good sign for lovely flowers to come;)))
hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

Fantastic quilt top! Love the color pallet :-)

Juliann said...

I live star quilts and I have been inspired by you to join the Stashbusters group!

Nann said...

You've done splendidly with your empty box/bag goal (and six days left in March). I love lupines but didn't know this variety is the Karner blue's food.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The orange, purple and green turned out to be an exciting combination.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh Cathy, what a pretty quilt top. The orange and greens play pretty together. I am going to have to remember the tip on using the milk jugs and shower caps for planting. During the summer, I cut the tops off of my milk jugs and use for watering potted plants. Have a fabulous day.

Mystic Quilter said...

I love star quilts, scrappy ones especially so yours makes me very happy! Your score rating for makes is tremendous, congratulations. How I miss lupines around the place here in Auckland, some folks must grow them and I have never tried here. They grow profusely in the South Island her in NZ but in England we had them all over the place!! The colours are so exciting and on a smaller scale the crocus is a favourite of mine.

Pamela Arbour said...

I love the fabrics in the star quilt. I have been thinking about your flowers every day. I can't wait to see them all blooming!