Friday, November 6, 2020

Wagon Wheels Roll In To The Finish Line

Wagon Wheel
It's a finish!
63 x 72
Hand quilted

This is one of my older UFOs started back in July 2013.  It used a pattern on a CD - McCall's Ten Vintage Scrappy Quilt Patterns. I really didn't know much about sewing curves when I started it so I picked it up and worked on it off and on over the years. 

I used '30s reproduction fabrics and solids. I didn't have much of a  selection of '30s or solids when I started it so that's another reason I worked on it off and on over the years - I purchased fabric as I went along. 

I hand quilted it with perle cotton in a variety of colors that I tried to match to the solid in each Wagon Wheel. 

I decided a few months ago that I wanted to really concentrate on using '30s scraps and finishing UFOs that have '30s fabrics because they are such happy fabrics.  . 

I had just enough of the multicolored honeycomb fabric- a deeply discounted purchase from long ago-- for the pieced backing.  And the scrappy '30s binding came from a drawer of 2.5 inch width scraps. 



SandyPA said...

Oh wow! I love the bright colors in Wagon Wheel. Congrat on this fabulous finish! Gasp - you BOUGHT fabric? Sandy at

cityquilter grace said...

so pretty and a serious stash buster!

grammajudyb said...

Another fabulous finish! You are gettin’ it done, Cathy! You are right! It’s a happy quilt,

sue s said...

Such a great finish!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

This one is WAY cool!!! Those curved pieces are amazing!

Quilting Babcia said...

The sunshine just enhances the bright and pretty colors of this quilt. We're having Indian Summer this week - 70 degree days and sunshine after snow last week. A better way to welcome November.

Connie said...

I am so impressed, this is so pretty and so skillfully done. Grading you will an A+ in my book. I love it!!!

darlynn said...

another great one Cathy! happy colors and great pattern.

Ann said...

A lovely finish, Cathy. I've enjoyed watching you create these blocks Combining prints and solids sets both off. You made a happy quilt, perfect for snuggling. I hope it stays in the family if not with you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Is the pattern found anywhere else?

gayle said...

Now that's a remarkably cheerful quilt! Love those prints combined with solids!

Marcia in TX said...


---"Love" said...

I love that pattern, and you did a great job on piecing it! Love all the colorful fabrics too! ---"Love"

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on another fabulous finish, Cathy!!

Laura said...

Bright and cheerful...the perfect quilt to snuggle under! :)

Pamela Arbour said...

That is absolutely beautiful!

Louise said...

You're so right, the fabrics are super happy in this one! And I finally had the "Aha!" moment where I could really see the wheels spinning. Beautiful finish :)

Nann said...

Gee, I stay off Bloglovin' for a day and I miss a lot, including three of your posts. This one is awesome!! said...

Wow! What a wonderful finish. I love the bright and happy feel those wagon wheel blocks provide! Well done!!!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Just perfect - terrific finish.

karenbbsnow said...

Beautiful. Love the hand quilting with perle cotton, one of my favourite ways to finish a quilt.

Unknown said...

Another beauty! I would have steered clear of this because of the curves. Did you piece it by hand or machine? Sharon at

Angela said...

Great quilt!

Karrin Hurd said...

Gorgeous quilt, and such happy colors! Congratulations on the finish!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You're so right about the 30s fabrics - that is a happy quilt! I really like the Wagon Wheel block, and love how I saw different shapes and designs as your photos got closer in. Great finish, Cathy!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a wonderful finish and lovely photos of this terrific quilt! A very challenging pattern indeed!
Enjoy your hand stitching today!

Jenny said...

Really nice, if never seen this pattern before. Love the circles which appear, well done indeed!

Kim said...

30's fabrics are the happiest, aren't they. This is a stunning quilt. Love your quilting with the Perle cotton. A most beautiful finish!

QuiltGranma said...

Yes, 30's style fabrics are a very happy kind of print and color. A beautiful finish! Congrats!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Gorgeous finish! Nice to finish a long-standing UFO!