Friday, August 2, 2024

Feathers and Webs

The theme in my sewing space in July was strings.  I started making Feathers with the longer and wider strings. I have all of the two sides of the feathers made so now I'm just putting them all together into blocks. 

Maybe in August I will get this to flimsy stage. 

I don't really have many longer pieces of yardage for quilts that need lots of background. I did have enough of this green. I figured green goes with everything- most flowers have green leaves. 

I also started making Spider Web blocks in July. I don't have enough for a larger top yet. I don't want to make a kiddo sized quiltt because that black/rainbow fabric I'm using for the centers has marijuana leaves on it. 

It's August and now my theme is KIDS but I will still fit in some string sewing now and then. I don't want the string quilts to turn into UFOs until they are flimsies. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

July 31 - Finished a book! The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer - a WWII historical fiction. "Life has a way of reminding you that you are at the mercy of chance, and that even well-thought-out plans can turn to chaos in an instant."

August 1 - A BLT with a big juicy homegrown tomato. Homegrown tomatoes sprinkled with homegrown basil.  Unfortunately my tomatoes are not producing very well this year but I am really enjoying the ones I have harvested. 



cityquilter grace said...

they are all looking fantastic! scraps can be beautiful

Linda Swanekamp said...

Such pretty feathers! The green enhances the little strips. I have lots of little tomatoes to pick, but the red peppers have a rot thing going on that is weird. Lettuce is done and I am going to plant more.

Pamela Arbour said...

I'm still loving those feathers! I don't know what made me think that you were using a different I have plenty of strips so I need to just decide on the background. That's funny about the marijuana leaves in the spiderweb quilt. I probably wouldn't have even thought of that. I probably couldn't pick a marijuana leaf out of a lineup! LOL Glad you have been enjoying your tomatoes. They taste so good when fresh picked!

mangozz said...

I've always loved those feathers when I've seen them in quilts. Did you use a pattern?

Allison said...

I do like the Spider Web pattern. I made a quilt using it last year. Seeing yours has made me want to have another go - I certainly have enough string scraps to make a start!