Thursday, August 15, 2024

It's A Finish!

Happy Bugs
42.5 x 51

It's a finish!

It started with a baggie of some bright 5 inch squares butterflies, lady bugs, caterpillars that someone gave me last year. I added in a few squares of my own little creatures. 

It always seems like I have a lot of green bits and pieces so I used green 2.5 inch pieces for frames and made Happy Blocks in January of this year. 

I quilted it on my DSM with a dark green thread. I quilted along the green seams horizontally and vertically.  And now that I'm looking at the picture it looks like I missed doing a vertical line of quilting in the middle column. Oh, the stories a picture can tell!

Sometimes where there's a lot of insects there are a lot of frogs so frogs hopped on to the back. I had to add a little strip and just happened to have a little scrap wide enough that someone gave me with frogs on it.   The binding is a green checkered homespun. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

August 11 - I harvested a few apples from my apple tree. Seems kind of early for apples to be ripe but they are. It is an old apple tree that I haven't kept trimmed so I can't reach most of the apples. Well, I made a big batch of fried apples with lots of cinnamon/sugar.  Yumm. They are kind of like a cross between apple pie and chunky applesauce. Back in the day I used to have 4 apple trees. All but one has died off over the years. I used to make apple juice, dried apples, applesauce, apple butter and such when the kids were little. Seems like only yesterday....

  The weather was beautiful so I also was able to clear a big patch of wild raspberry brambles. 

August 12 - I hate to drive. Actually I don't really like to leave my house. Well, I had to drive an hour away to take hubby for an appt. at the University of Iowa hospital and clinics. I saw that rain was predicted for the day and was really dreading the drive. I was also a little anxious about finding the place and getting hubby from the parking ramp into the clinic for an 8 o'clock appt.   Well, I managed to get through the rain and fog and get hubby into the clinic on time. Whew! You know I still have dreams (nightmares really) of forgetting my high school and college schedules and missing classes! I have to say I'm a real worry wart. Wish I was just a wart. 

August 13 - Box of scraps arrived from Sue! Lucky me! I got out my little ruler and sorted all the strips by width size. What fun!  Also we are still having beautiful weather although we could use a bit of rain. I harvested onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and beans. This is the first year I have tried the heirloom bean called Dragon Tongue. Gosh they are delicious! I will have to try to remember to leave some beans on the plants for seeds for next year.   I also grew Red Swan beans; however, insects and deer devoured those before they even had time to blossom. I probably won't have any beans to freeze this year, darn it. 

August 14 - I had appt. with periodontist. At age 74 I still have all my own teeth that are in pretty good shape but I do have a bit of bone loss in the jaw they have been monitoring as well as a few deep pockets. Thankfully I have been able to maintain status quo for several years and still have not lost any teeth and none are loose. I have been taking calcium and vitamin D for a long time and I also had read a long time ago that Vitamin C is good for healthy teeth and bones so try to eat a lot of foods high in Vit C like tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli. And see a previous celebration where I mentioned I drink a glass of grapefruit juice almost every day. Maybe that helps...maybe it doesn't. Maybe I'm just lucky. Who knows?        I also found my grass clippers! Somewhere along the line they fell out of my garden stool.  They had been missing for a long time. 

****Edited later in the day...I am 72 years hubby is 74. Gosh, what was I thinking??????



Juliana said...

I celebrate with you your celebration list! I also am 74, and all of those are challenges for us at our age. Good for you!!

Vicki in MN said...

I get amazed how fast it seems you whip up another quilt! I am interested in hearing how you make your fried apples since our tree is loaded with apples.

marilyn said...

I can tell you really love and enjoy your garden. Our apple tree blossomed very early this spring and now our apples are ready early. I am also 74. I don't drive and rarely leave the house. I'm amazed at how you take care of your husband and all around your home. And sew, sew, sew. Thank you for your blog.

Jenny said...

An hours drive to a 8am appointment is certainly a bit of a worry, but you got there in time. I do hope hubby got a good report and you had a more restful drive back home. I think we all sometimes forget how old we are getting!

Chantal said...

I hope (and pray) that I will be as smart, efficient and capable as you are at 72!! Bravo! Oh, and the quilt is great too. Enjoy the new scraps. ;^)

Pamela Arbour said...

I am always fascinated by seeing how attractive that simple quilts can be. Yours will truly be loved by that special someone. I know what you mean about the doctors' appointments. I have been fortunate that I can set the time for my husband and I when we go to MD Anderson. I don't like to drive in the dark! LOL I'm with you on staying home. That's my preference. You had a lot to celebrate this week including your garden goodies and those wonderful scraps!

Sherri said...

Years ago I had the same problem with my gums. Give a swish of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth then let sit for a minute. (watch the foaming around the gums) then spit it out and rinse well. Gum problems were gone in a couple weeks and has never come back.