Saturday, October 26, 2019

More Rainbow Scrap Challenge Projects - Two Flimsies and a Finish

Strings  - A flimsy
40 x 60

These are 10 inch finished blocks. I started them a long time ago as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge Project - strings in the color of the month plus a 2 inch strip of a black polka dot.  I haven't worked on them for awhile because I ran out of strings that were long enough. Well, long strings have magically appeared again so I dug through them to make more blocks. I think I had to just make six of them and now I have a small donation quilt top. 

 And the good thing is that I have enough of that black polka dot print for backing and binding. 

 Arrowhead Puzzle (or as Bonnie Hunter calls them - Garlic Knots)
It's a flimsy!
64 x 88
 This will be another donation quilt. 
 I sure like how this top turned out. 
 Cats in the Cradle
Baby Quilt
It's a finish!
44 x 44
Its a finish! And a pretty busy one at that. I tried to tone down the busy-ness with some gray sashing but it is still pretty darned busy. 

Getting this to the finish line was my October One Monthly Goal (OMG)    at   Elm Street Quilts

 These blocks started with a bunch of 3 inch nine patches I wanted to use somehow. Sally (Objects of Design) had made some micro kittens I thought were cute so I asked her if she would share the instructions.  She did. By the way, she has a tutorial for a larger kitty on her tutorial page as well as many other cute critters. 
 Anyway, while the kitties alone were cute I think they didn't combine all that well with those nine patches and I probably should have alternated them with plain squares instead (which I may do in the future).   
 Maybe baby and parents can get a game of I Spy out of it.   I spy a kitty, basil and lettuce...
 ...a chicken...
 ...a flower, snowflakes, elephant...
 ...a fish.  
 If baby thinks the front too loud the back could always become the front. 
The back also has a rainbow clowder of cats. 

Batting was pieced (with wide zig zag stitch) and I quilted it with some spirals. 


Julie in GA said...

Your incredible productivity puts the rest of us to shame! I love all of your completions, and I don't think the kittens and 9-patches are too busy together. Perfect backing fabric for that quilt!

Lynn said...

Some great quilts. I especially like the garlic knots. Great use of scraps.

Mari said...

Look at you go! Your finishes are great. I love the finished quilt with the cats, and I don't think it's too busy at all. That's what a scrap quilt should look like. Congratulations on all your great work!

Ann said...

Such wonderful finishes. Yes, you are the most productive quilter I know. I love the idea of I Spy for any child’s quilt. Anything that helps them develop vocabulary. Congratulations, again and again.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Great finishes, Cathy! I never noticed before that the layout you used for your Arrowhead puzzle gives you a background block exactly the same. Cool!

Quilter Kathy said...

Such fun RSC projects! It's so fun to watch them develop over the year and then to see what you do with the blocks. Unlike most of us who make and collect blocks, you are actually finishing your quilts! Very inspiring!

Cathy said...

Cats in the Cradle is too awesome! I totally love the busy-ness of it. It’s like the kitties are hiding, which kitties like to do. And I love your traditional layout of the garlic knot blocks because it seems more colorful than making large neutral-centered “squares” would be.

Shelina said...

Wow so many beautiful finishes. I like the garlic knots the best.

Julierose said...

Great finishes!! I love those kitties--so cute...hugs, Julierose

QuiltGram said...

Must admit that I’m in awe of your productivity. And convinced that you:
* Don’t sleep
* Don’t eat
* Don’t go grocery shopping
* And Don’t cook or bake.

Bet there are more than a few of us who would love some of us who would 💕 love some tips on how you are able to accomplish so much.

BTW, the cats are cute.

Katie Z. said...

Those are fabulous. Sometimes, I think a quilt is busy but someone else really digs it. It takes all kinds, and I think it’s cute!

Danice G said...

All truly beautiful quilts. You really do stay busy.

grammajudyb said...

Thanks for showing your Arrowhead Puzzle/ Garlic Knot quilt top. Love it....I’ve got almost 60 blocks , so 28+ more and I’ll have enough for a flimsy!!

maggie fellow said...

wonderful quilts

Susie H said...

I think your kitty quilt is adorable. I like it! And that Arrowhead Puzzle is fabulous!

Linda said...

I’ve been doing a bit of adding up and I think your Kitty Quilt is Finish No 8. Great quilt for a baby, so much to look at! QuiltGram’s comment made me smile. I know you do a lot of gardening, growing fruits and veggies so there must be a lot of cooking and preserving that happens at your house as well as all that sewing. I think your secret is planning and organisation, knowing what bundles of blocks you have stashed away and then getting on with completing them, making use of every moment you have to spare to sit and sew.

Deb A said...

Wow! I am amazed at all the finishes - tops and quilts. Great job. I really should stitch some blocks together today and see if I can get a flimsy with last years RSC blocks. Thanks for the inspiration.

Louise said...

I love it when you post big batches of finished tops and quilts like this! It's wonderful to see so much quilty goodness in one place. The kitty quilt is perfectly busy, just like real cats :)

Pamela Arbour said...

Love them all.

Sandy Panagos said...

Look at you go! Great projects.

---"Love" said...

Don't know how you get so much done! I like the garlic knots best of these. ---"Love"

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

You have been really checking off the projects lately. I really live that bright string quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

I love that arrowhead puzzle - I've never seen that block before. It's sort of a "do a double take" block. Nothing prettier than a colorful scrappy quilt!

Nann said...

Funny how you think you've exhausted the supply of a particular scrap size, or unit, or color -- and then suddenly you have a box full once again. (But better a box full than a bin full!)

Nann said...

P.S. Little Penguin noted, "I never noticed before that the layout you used for your Arrowhead puzzle gives you a background block exactly the same." That could be a nifty tesselated design-- making the background go together. But fiddly to figure out.

Patty said...

Fun baby quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!