Saturday, September 7, 2024

Wonky Windmills

Wonky Windmills
8 inch

I made a few more black/multicolor Wonky Windmill blocks this week for the pink and black version of Wonky Windmills. 

Then I made a few more Wonky Windmills in pink.   Now I have a complete block set of 63 blocks and this quilt is ready to assemble.   

I started making the blocks last year as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) project. Each block is made with rectangles 4.5 x 5 inch - two each of the background and other fabric. Then they are stacked right side up, cut and shuffled and then sewn together. 

In August I decided to see how many blocks I had and how many comfort quilts I could make from all the blocks I made from scraps up to that point.  I divided blocks into four piles -- novelty, geometrics, florals and pink/black.  Now I just need to make blocks to add to each pile so I have a complete block set. The novelty top is already assembled. This one is ready for assembly. That's two down and two to go!

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sep. 6 -- Scarlett, my new great niece, has made an appearance! I've only seen a couple of photos but she is a healthy little cutie.   We have 31 nieces and nephews and most of them have had several children who are now starting to have children so we have kind of lost track of some of the later generations (mostly because I'm not on Facebook) but Scarlett's mom, Summer, lives a short distance away and usually comes to the family reunion camp outs each year so I'm hoping I'll see Scarlett in person in May if not before. Scarlett already has a couple of baby quilts made by her great aunt Cathy!



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your family sounds like mine - so many nieces and nephews I loose track and then they started to have kids too - some I have not met yet - there were 5 new babies last year and I haven't met any of them.

Nann said...

Do you have to think about the way the windmill blades go? That is, have you ever made a batch and found that some are the other way around?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Wonky Windmills are pretty in every color combination! I'm looking forward to seeing this pink and black version. And hooray for a new baby in the family - that's always a good celebration!

Julierose said...

I really love those wonky windmills--I can see some in my future
for sure......
Isn't that great you have a new little niece--you have a really large family!! How wonderful...hugs Julierose

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Now those some cute windmills. It is hard to chose a favorite. So many fun fabrics.

Pamela Arbour said...

Another quilt almost ready to give some comfort to someone in need of a big hug. I say this a lot, but I love hearing about your fabric organization. Congratulations on your great niece. It's great that she already has two quilts to snuggle under this winter.

Deb A said...

Those are fun blocks and will make great quilts. Love the pink and black together.

Mystic Quilter said...

The pink Windmills are so pretty, I also like them with the black, they really pop.