Sunday, September 22, 2024

WITB #8 - HST Four Patch

It's a top!
HST Four Patch
50 x 70

(What's in the box of 3 inch width scraps?)

This is comfort quilt #8 ! 

And I still have some scraps in that box!  

Yes, there's a few oopsie blocks in the quilt. 

Not sure how many more quilt tops I'll be able to make from that box of 3 inch width scraps. I'll work on those scraps until month end and then show you what's left in that box if anything. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sept. 21 - Roses!  I still have quite a few roses blooming. All of my roses are scented so every once in awhile I stop to smell them. 



Julierose said...

What beautiful roses and such a lovely HST four patch quilt, too!!
That box must have been loaded with great stuff!!:)))
hugs, Julierose

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your HST four patch is a beauty. I just wish I had half of your energy. You get so much done. Have a wonderful evening and happy quilting.