Thursday, September 5, 2024

And Now There Are 320+

Switch Plates
3 x 5

I've been making Switch Plate blocks for a long time - maybe a couple of years- from 1.5 inch width scraps. A few times I've made them from 3.5 inch width scraps. They have been a Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) project so I've been making them a few at a time from scraps I happen to have in that month's color.  I don't think I've ever actually cut any 1.5 inch width strips in order to make these. I've just waited for scraps to happen.   I have been blessed this year with scraps from a lot of folks. As I sort scraps I first sort pieces less than a 6 inch square by width like 1.5 inch or less than 2 inch that I will cut down to 1.5 inch.  Then after I have a pile of 1.5 inch scraps I sort those by project. So...any strips at least 14 inches go into a pile for these blocks; strips at least 10 inches go into piles for little Windmills and so on.  

So, anyway, I've been making these blocks for awhile but have not been counting them. My bag was getting pretty full so decided it was time to count them the other day. 

Total count was 232. 
So I figured out what size quilt to make. How about a 20 x 16 blocks (staggered) for a 60 x 80 inch quilt. In my head I figured I needed 98 more blocks (later after I made 98 I realized my head math was incorrect and I only needed 88) so I dug into that pile of 1.5 inch scraps and made 98 blocks. 

Now I have a complete block set ready for assembly.

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sept. 4 - I spent a couple of hours browsing through catalogs and then I ordered some bulbs for fall planting and I ordered some seeds for fall and winter sowing. 



Betty said...

I love them all together.

Julierose said...

Love those switch plates--I will be making some with my leftover 1.5" strips from my legos project--thanks for sharing...hugs, Julierose

Jenny said...

What a lovely colourful bunch of Switch Plates.

Pamela Arbour said...

Every time I read one of your posts, I get more vision on how you prepare and organize your fabric. It is so doable. I cut my leftovers down to FQ's, 10", 5", 2-1/2" squares and 2-1/2" strips by color, and I put the leftovers in a containers but don't sort the sizes or colors. I think I have been cheating myself out of some leader/ender quilts. Thanks for the inspiration. Still praying for you and your husband.

Deb A said...

I love how you organize things as they come in. Your bag sure is full to the brim with pretty blocks.

Nann said...

You can use the 10 extras on the back....or keep them as the seeds for another project. I look forward to see how you'll mix all the colors.

Tracey said...

I adore your use of color!! Can’t wait to see this put together. I’m not as organized as you are, but do save all my little bits of scraps. This is inspiring….