Friday, September 6, 2024

WITB#4 : 4P=B+W+1


It's a top!
Four Patches
made with black, white and one other color.

40 x 60

I started on this one last year after someone gave me a big bag of 3 inch squares.   Since then I have received other 3 inch squares and 3 inch width strips in various lengths from other folks and I have been accumulating them all in a box. Normally I have a block going for every size scrap I encounter; however, I have really not ever generated many 3 inch width scraps of my own and in the past if I received some 3 inch width pieces I cut them in half for two 1.5 inch pieces because I usually have a lot of blocks in the works that use that size of scrap. When I received that gallon bag of 3 inch squares last year I decided to start making a few quilts with those scraps and start saving those scraps in a box instead of cutting them smaller.  

This is comfort quilt #4

I've also been making four patches from 2 inch squares in black, white and one other color. For that quilt I will alternate the four patches with solid colored squares. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sep. 5 - Hubby felt like he might be strong enough to try to mow lawn on riding lawn mower. He was! Woohoo! Last year at this time he was barely unable to get up out of a bed or chair. 


Elle said...

Great flimsy. YAY for hubster being able to mow the lawn. A huge change for him :-) and for you!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That is a great way to use all of those squares!
Love your Celebrate - go Hubby!!!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I should follow your lead on the B & W with 1 color since I have so much B & W.
I hope this is jus the beginning of the things your hubby will be able to do, that he will get stronger and stronger.

Sharon M said...

Your quilts are always an inspiration.
Fabulous news about your husband. May he continue to heal.
You have been a wonderful nurse and wife. Prayers continue.
Sharon M

Anonymous said...

Praising God and celebrating hubby's new strength. What fun to be able to mow the grass and enjoy while doing it.
(I'm rearranging for more order within stash spaces. Hoping for greater productivity.)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilt top looks fabulous. So many fun fabrics. So glad to hear that your hubby's strength is building.

Jenny said...

Wonderful news about your hubby's slowing returning strength, long may it continue. I bet he needed a reviving cup of tea/coffee after his foray into lawn cutting.

Mystic Quilter said...

Always love a four patch quilt - how good to read that your husband has gained the strength to try lawn mowing again!

Pamela Arbour said...

Love this quilt. It will give a lot of comfort. Is your box looking emptier? What a celebration for your husband that he is gaining strength. Sometimes it's hard to see improvement but this has to have brightened his day! Thank God!

Laura said...

Wow! What a fantastic achievement for Mr. Cathy! :) Love!

RyLynn said...

I love the quilt but I especially love the equation in your title: 4P=B+W+1