Friday, September 27, 2024

And Now The Box Is Empty!

At the end of last month  I posed the question WITB? 

(What's in the 11 x 13 x 8.5 inch box of 3 inch width scraps?)

Most of the squares and scraps in that box came from several different friends this year. I usually have a block in process for almost every size scrap I receive; however, I rarely end up with 3 inch width scraps of my own and when I did I usually cut them in half for 1.5 inch pieces because I have several blocks in process that use that size of scrap. 

I was able to make 9 comfort quilt tops from the scraps in the box and I also made half of the blocks for another. 

I've been kind of obsessed with getting all those scraps used up this month. 

And now I have succeeded in emptying the box but not all the scraps are used yet. They are; however, assigned to different projects or cut for the Parts Department. 

Above is what I will call WITB #11 - Sawtooth Stars with orphan block centers.   I have a little pile of 24 -- 5.5 inch orphan blocks plus some 3 inch scraps to use for star points. I will probably use the same background on all of the stars.   I've put all of the parts and the example Sawtooth Star in a project bag and will make the stars at some later date. 

There are still some 3 inch brown squares left and I just sorted my brown scraps and found some more 3 inch strips so I will make some Hollow Nine blocks...

...and use them as alternate blocks for my 7.5 inch (finished) Churn Dash blocks. I have a partial set of brown Churn Dash blocks left over from all the Churn Dash blocks/quilts I've made in the past years. 

I actually have a box with three different projects that use brown scraps so the Hollow Nines and 3 inch scraps are now in that project box. I may work on some of those blocks next month when the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color of the month is brown. 

I can't believe there were so many brown scraps. I previously used brown and cream squares cut on the diagonals as the sides for Pavement Pattern (Square in Square) blocks and I used brown and cream squares to make Unchained Melody. 

I had several scraps with cherries. So I put those in my little box of fruity scraps. 

The multicolor black and the black and white scraps when into their respective scrap bags. 

For one of my quilts I was only able to make 25 out of 48 Sawtooth Stars out of the green, orange and purple scraps in the box. I put them in a project bag and since I made those 25 stars I have found more 3 inch scraps in the designated colors so added those to the bag. 

This is WITB quilt #12 - Four Patch blocks. I put the ones I made awhile ago in a project bag and as I've been making blocks and tops this month I have set aside any small pieces that will yield 2 squares. They are in the project bag with the Four Patches now. I just need to go through my neutral scraps and cut some squares to be used in the Four Patches. When I get all the Four Patches made I'll count them and see if there are enough for a quilt. If not then I may alternate Four Patches with 5.5 inch squares. Time will tell. 

I have some 3 inch squares left. I will put these in the bin that holds all my different sized squares. 

I have a variety of longer strips left. I'm just going to put them in the Parts Dept. and they may get used as fillers or something like that when I make orphan block quilts.  

Then I cut remaining scraps into rectangles and squares.  The squares went into the squares bag. The rectangles are 3 x 5.5, 3 x 5, 3 x 4.5 and 3 x 2.   I have a box of bags of rectangles in all those different sizes (plus many others). 

And then any pieces between 1 and 2 inches got sewn into strips. I have  box of strips in all different widths that accumulate until there's enough for a Coins quilt of some kind. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE ! (my word of the year)

Sept. 26 - Scraps! Scrap Quilts! 


Jenny said...

Your scrap box seems to be never ending.

Cherie Moore said...

Yahoo! I guess technically my guess of 9 was spot on, but since there are so many bits that got sewn, sorted and cut, not precisely correct :)