Tuesday, September 17, 2024

WITB #6 -- Basket Weave

Basket Weave
42 x 60
It's a top!

(What's in the box of 3 inch width scraps)

This is comfort quilt #6 ! 

And I still have some scraps in that box! 

There were several 3 x 6.5 rectangles in the box. A few of them were red and a few were yellow. So that led me to pull the warm colored scraps in the box and cut more rectangles to go with the red and yellow.  I had to piece a few rectangles in order to have enough of them. 

Then...remember when I bought that bolt of rust colored tonal weave fabric for $1.85 yd at Marshall Dry Goods and I said I had some plans for it? Well, this was one of the plans! I normally don't have big enough pieces of yardage to use for backgrounds but now I do! The sides were cut at 2-1/4 inches to make 6.5 unfinished squares. And then I wove those squares together.  

And sew on...

CELEBRATE (my word of the year)

Sept. 16 - Zinnias! They are butterfly and hummingbird magnets. I have a long border of them and sometimes I take a break and sit on my gardening stool near the zinnias. Oh, the colors and, oh, the little creatures that visit those zinnias. Can't feel bad or sad sitting near zinnias! 



Julie in GA said...

Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers to grow, so many beautiful colors. I love your basket weave quilt top!

Juliana said...

I really like this quilt--the background is such a perfect color. Zinnias are also one of my favorite flowers, but I've never tried to grow them. Maybe this Spring I will sow zinneas. I am in a new house in a new city, and I can have a new flower goal! Thank you for all your photos of your flowers. They were quite inspiring.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a fun quilt, Cathy! I love the rusty red and the yellows together. Your zinnias are beautiful!

Ann said...

It's been so hot here that even my zinnias took a hit. There are still a few but not as many as June/July. Your red and yellow combination is as colorful as our zinnias. Good job.

Mystic Quilter said...

Your basket weave has me now thinking what I can do with my left over strips, so pleased you had it on your post today. The zinnias are a delight, they've brightened my day as it's been cold, wet and windy here in Auckland. I have four packets ready to sew around October, November time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the beauty of these zinnias! I should try to sneak some into our border. We are warm enough all year, they would probably grow now.

Love the Basketweave layout. It's so flexible; I should make some. The red, yellow, rust is energizing.

MDG: I look at their website, especially their MDG brand prices, fairly frequently these days. It makes me want a trip to AR so I could feel, see, and oogle the whole store for myself. I was told that one 108" bolt would cost about $40-45 in shipping to CA. The fact that you bought those bolts at great prices encourages me. I'm wondering if you'd give us your insight into ordering from them; bolt + shipping vs $80 cut yardage + free shipping, how you like their MDG lines (white/naturals, Jewels, flat folds) ...

Laura Haynes
Tlcahaynes@gmail .com

Beth H said...

At first I was thinking your blocks were just giant light switches. Then I realized they were just "bordered" on the sides! Another wonderful idea to borrow from you! I need to keep this post until I can enter it into my block ideas book!

Nann said...

It's so surprising to see a lot of one particular fabric in one of your quilts! The rusty tonal sets off the rectangles nicely. I am spectacularly unsuccessful at growing zinnias. They are the "official" flower for Zion.