Monday, July 9, 2018

What Will 20 Minutes a Day Do For You?

Our Stashbuster Yahoo Group  (4800 members motivated to use stash) currently has a 20 minute Challenge going on. It started July 1. The idea is that everyone pick a project they may find overwhelming or difficult to do and just work on it for 20 minutes every day. I guess then before we know it we will amaze ourselves with a quilt.   This is not really a challenge for me. It's the way I actually work - work a few minutes on this quilt project, clean bathrooms, work a few minutes on another quilt project, weed a garden row, work a few minutes on another quilt project, work on dinner prep, work a few minutes on another quilt project, exercise in the pool,  work a few minutes on another quilt project, read a few chapters of a book, work a few minutes...and so it goes. 

I decided for my 20 minute challenge I would work on these Thingamajigs that I started last year after being inspired by some vintage blocks I saw on Flickr.   I'm using red plus some 30s repro fabrics. 

So after 8 days of 20 minutes a day I have two blocks to show and a few block pieces.  BUT since  I work on a variety of different projects for a few minutes each day have two other projects I've been working on in conjunction with this one - both older projects stalled but that use 30s repro fabrics.   More on those two projects to follow.    PLUS I've also completed the 2048 two inch HSTs I need for another project. All because I do a little of this, a little of that all through the day. 

20 Minutes a Day Diary

Sunday, July 1 -

Cut solid red scrap into 2.5 inch  strips.
Look for Easy Angle ruler.
Cut 3 red strips into HSTs with Easy Angle.
Cut 2 red strips into 2.5 inch squares.
Iron some really wrinkly 1.5 inch 30s scraps.
Brain freeze trying to remember how to orient Easy Angle ruler on to 1.5 inch 30s strips.
Cut end with Easy Angle ruler.  (Set aside for a different project).
Cut two pieces with Companion Angle ruler for hourglass blocks.
Cut end with Easy Angle ruler. (Set aside for a different project).
Stack more 1.5 inch ironed scraps.
Cut ends, etc. This time cut four pieces with Easy Angle ruler.
Put stack of hourglass pieces x2 in one baggie.
Put stack of hourglass pieces x4 in another baggie.

Time's up!

This is what I have:

Monday, July 2 -

Assemble one block from pieces cut yesterday to make sure I am cutting the right size since sample blocks made long ago.
Try to remember how to orient pieces for corners. (That took the longest time. Try to remember "wings" next time).
All pieces (hourglass and corner units) for one block sewn and trimmed.

No time to sew pieces together since time's up!

Tuesday, July 3 - 

Sew rows of block together.  Note that hourglasses weren't turned the correct way. (Photo above is incorrect for assembly). 
Look for one of three seam rippers. 
One block assembled correctly. 
Unstack boxes from top of 30s fabric bin.
Grab some fabrics. 
Iron wrinkly ones.
Cut 7 1-1/2 inch strips. 

Time's up! I have one block! 

Wednesday, July 4 - 

Cut strips and pieces for 20 minutes:

Thursday, July 5 - 

Sew and iron 14 hourglasses from pieces cut yesterday:

Friday, July 6 - 

Cut pieces

Saturday, July 7 - 

Sew 10 hourglass units from pieces cut yesterday. Iron. Start laying out blocks. 

Sunday, July 8 - 

Finished laying out blocks in stack from available pieces. Sewed together one block.  Need to figure out way to chain piece those corners without losing track of where they go. 

I won't bore you with the details of each 20 minute segment next time but will report weekly on where I am with 20 minutes a day.   And, oh, my goal is 244 six inch blocks.  


Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

You always make such great progress. I too work like you do, a few minutes at a time on anything that I do, except that mine includes a lot of resting, napping, internet surfing, etc.

diane said...

Those 20 minutes a day is what I need to do right now.
Seems like I haven't been accomplishing much lately.
Time for action!

Marei said...

You always inspire me! I also do a bit of this, a bit of that, throughout my day. I'm so easily bored and distracted ..... SQUIRREL! But I've worked 28 projects off my UFO list since January so I am making progress. And before you list UFO is now at 82.

audrey said...

Sometimes 20 minutes is all I can handle at a time on a particular project.:) It obviously works out very well for you!

Janie said...

So that's how you do it.
I can see that your process keeps burnout at bay.
Thanks for sharing, nice work.

gayle said...

I'd forgotten about these blocks, though now that I see them I'm just as crazy about them as I was the last time you showed them! (I'm promising myself I'll get to this one someday soon...)
And I can't believe that you and Sally are both so far ahead of me with those triangles! Maybe I'll try your 20 minute method! 8)

mangozz said...

How do you decide which project to work on and when? This is one of my roadblocks. Plus, if I had more projects all cut and ready to sew, I could definitely get a lot more done.

Louise said...

That's how I work, too. Sew, then do a chore. Then sew as a reward! Keep the body moving and doing different tasks with different muscles to keep things from stiffening up. You have more long term projects brewing that I do, though. I wish I had your deep stash and storage space! These are cute blocks.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Sounds like a really good plan, 20mins is do-able. And flitting from one thing to another helps keep the boredom factor at bay too! Love those little blocks teamed up with the red, your new neutral for this, yes?

swooze said...

Good job. Great progress!

Nann said...

That is such a nifty block! I prefer your version to the one pictured on Flickr. (I do need to get back to that never-ending shelf of 30's repros . . .)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this breakdown of exactly what you got done in 20 minutes. You are right, it's more than you think! I am loving the red with those blocks. My favorite color!

Ann said...

This exact shade of red always draws me to vintage quilts. Hooray for you. I must buy some for myself.