Friday, February 8, 2019

Another Small Finish

 Red, White, Blue Floral
40 x 60

Ready for giving or gifting

I think I've already mentioned that last year was my first full year of retirement and I worked on getting all the bits and pieces, odds and ends, crumbs, scraps and strings made into quilt tops.   This one started with a couple of baggies of floral squares my daughter found at garage sales. Between the two baggies I noticed a red, white, blue theme so I pulled out enough centers for this quilt and cut the rest of the squares into one inch strips and used them up in a log cabin quilt top.   I picked out some aging red, white and blue floral fabrics from my stash for frames and made ten inch Happy Blocks. 

 I quilted it with flowers on my DSM. 
 I had enough of a floral print for the backing and binding. 

 The small quilts are starting to pile up all over the house so I need to find some boxes and get some sent off. 

One of the places I donate quilts is Wrap-A-Smile, partner of Rotaplast.   

Rotaplast International, Inc. is committed to helping children and families worldwide by eliminating the burden of cleft lip and/or palate, burn scarring, and other deformities. Working with local professionals, Rotarians, and other organizations, Rotaplast sends multidisciplinary medical teams to provide free reconstructive surgery, ancillary treatment, and training for the comprehensive care of these children. Rotaplast supports education and research towards prevention of cleft lip and/or palate. Our aim is to help local professionals build sustainable models for the care of these children, improving their lives and those of their families.

It's always fun to spot one of the quilts I've made with the recipient.   The one above was spotted on a little guy in Arusha, Tanzania last year.  See that tree fabric in the top strip between two lime green strips???

Well, here it is on this little guy.  I spotted it on a Rotaplast blog post.  I wonder how he is doing now. 



audrey said...

This one is very sweet. Love red/white and blue done like this! For only one year into retirement, you are a one-woman fishing machine!:)

Janie said...

That's just wonderful!
Such a great cause, it makes a huge difference in their lives.

Shelina said...

Congratulations on your retirement! How sweet of you to make quilts for the kids. This is a great patriotic quilt. I was really touched by the quilt on the sweet kid. I am sure it was especially heart warming to know you were the one who made the quilt.

doni said...

WOW! that is so special, to see your quilt on a child in another country! I get a thrill when I see GKs wearing pj pants or using something I give them.

WTG! doni @ Oregon coast

---"Love" said...

The R/W/B quilt turned out really pretty. How gratifying it must have been to see the quilt you made on that little boy in Tanzania. It is very comforting to him, and to you as well, just to see it covering him. ---"Love"

mangozz said...

How amazing that you were able to spot your quilt on a child in Tanzania! said...

Wow! How cool to see your work in USE!

Nann said...

My husband and I are Rotarians -- so proud of what Rotary does to make the world a better place.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh!!! I love that you saw it being loved!!! how sweet!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Great NEW quilt and a happy surprise to spot an older quilt in use on the website!!

Emily said...

Seeing a quilt in use is the best! How great to know that something you made brought comfort and smiles to a stranger.

Ella said...

Yay for donations that make the life of others brighter! On behalf of the FAL crew, congrats on the finish, and thanks for joining in!