Wednesday, January 30, 2019


I promised myself I would not let this year's "New Starts" go into a box and sit idle for years. I promised myself to at least work on the quilt a little each month if not a little each week. 

I kept my promise this month. 

It would really help if I would always cut the angles correctly on a stack of those blue pieces. 

-24 F here right now at 7:00 a.m.  
It's definitely quilt wearing weather. 


Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh thats cold! Love this block does it have a name?

Quiltdivajulie said...

Brrrrr - stay inside and sew sew sew!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a fun new start!!!

Shelina said...

These are so beautiful! I like your promise, I probably should make some kind of similar promise!

Linda said...

Well done for keeping on target. Can't imagine those temperatures! Here in New Zealand we have been having +30C and over. A bit cloudy today, temperature around 27C.

Louise said...

Have you ever made a quilted garment? Sometimes I see patterns for quilted jackets and such. Much easier to just drape a quilt right over yourself, but not as stylish. My Mom has hinted that she would like a jacket, but I don't care for 3D sewing. Trapezoids and triangles are tricky enough :)

---"Love" said...

What a stunning quilt that will be! Question: Why, at 7 AM, with low temps like that, were you not still in bed covered with a stack of quilts you've made?!!! Just wonderin'..... ---"Love"

Pamela Arbour said...

I just shake my head and smile every time I see those tiny pieces you use to make beautiful quilts.