Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Are We There Yet?


Are we there yet? No, not quite. 
I made 12 Carpenter Star blocks (also called Carpenter's Wheel, Dutch Rose or Double Star) that finish at 16 inches. I made the HSTs out of a bag of '30s reproduction fabric scraps. 

Right now the top measures 48 x 64. I rarely add borders to quilts but I always intended for this quilt to have borders. I just did not plan the borders and I'm still thinking about that. 

I'm also wondering if I should have added sashing between the Carpenter Stars. I don't like to rip thigs apart once they are together so I don't think at this point I will rip and add sashing but I'm still wondering and thinking. 

Are we there yet?
No. But we are a little closer to our destination. 

Any suggestions on a route to the border?


Gretchen Weaver said...

This quilt is lovely! I'm always so inspired by your quilts, happy stitching! Sorry, no ideas about a border. I have enough trouble deciding on borders for my quilts.

Quilting Babcia said...

Your carpenter's star blocks are wonderful! Since you asked, if the quilt was mine I would add wide plain white borders with feather quilting. I'd also bite the bullet and add white sashings to highlight the individual blocks. But that's just me.

Pamela Arbour said...

I know it will come to you when you are least expecting it while going through your stash!

Cross Mountain Quilts said...

It's very cheerful without the sashing and for secondary designs and interesting quilting options. Happy New Year!

Laura said...

I am sure that you will get all sorts of opinions. Ha, ha! I like it without the sashing...those negative areas are perfect to feature quilting! :)

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I don't think it needs sashing between the blocks but I think a 2" border of just light fabric would give it a finished look. It could be the same lights you used in the blocks to continue the scrappy look.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Swoon-worthy project!! Good luck with the border conundrum, Cathy.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I agree with Wanda's border idea - enough to let the stars float but without being inside a darker frame. Can't wait to work on my version next year - the HSTs are all cut and ready to sew together.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I agree with Wanda. You need to let those stars shine.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

I really love the look of your new quilt and the secondary crosses that the blocks make.

Linda said...

I like the star blocks sewn together without sashing - the secondary design is interesting to see. That would be lost if you added sashing and I think white sashing would detract from the block design. That’s my penny worth anyway! Yes a border would finish it nicely, one of the colours of the 30s fabrics used in the blocks? Have fun delving through your stash for a suitable candidate.

Marianne said...

I like your quilt just as it is!

Julie in GA said...

Wow, that was fast! It seems like you just started this quilt. It looks great! I agree that it doesn't need sashing, but I would add a border or two--maybe a narrow one of your light background, then a wider border, preferably scrappy and not too dark. Beautiful job!

Julierose said...

Lovely Carpenter's Star blocks--maybe pick one color you want to shine out and use it for the border? I like it just as is..(ribbiting is not fun!!)
HAPPY NEW YEAR--hope it will be a healthy and a happy one for you
Hugs, my friend, Julierose

maggie fellow said...

beautiful - I don't think it needed sashing.

Vicki in MN said...

I love it, 30's prints always make me think of spring.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

So lovely!! I would not add sashing - I like the effect of the blocks together . Can you find a solid print for the border - one of the 30'S repros like that green? or Light Blue?

Sandy Panagos said...

It's beautiful. I think some kind of border would frame it nicely. I bet you'll figure it out!

Cats and Calico said...

I just wanted to thank you for sharing all your lovely quilts and blocks with us. I get excited every time I see you've got a new post. You are such a prolific maker. Hope some day I can get half as much done as you do.

gayle said...

Wow! I love the blocks without the sashing!
You know me about borders, though. I'd be madly making and playing with more HSTs, but then again, I do find it hard to stop making HSTs...

Janie said...

Lovely progress no matter how you finish!
I see you have snow! We have snow in the hills and mountains close by, that's close enough for me!
Stay warm!

Robin said...

I like it without sashing for the secondary patterns. For the border, how about HSTs to repeat the spikey sides of the stars, maybe with a white spacer border. Beautiful job!

audrey said...

Looking wonderful! nobody does 30's fabric like you do.:)

Quayquilter said...

Brilliant and inspiring array of 2021 quilts. Wonderful.

scraphappy said...

If you did HST units on the borders but left the white triangle pointed inward it would mirror the diamond shape of the background between the blocks and give you the option of repeating a quilting motif in the negative space. The darker triangles on the outside would then frame the quilt nicely. Beautiful quilt! You have inspired me to make a Carpenter Star with my own HST blocks.