Monday, November 11, 2019

How It Happens

 When I'm sewing I don't listen to music or audio books or TV. I listen to the voices in my head if they are there otherwise I like the sounds of nature outside or silence. 

The other day when I was making Bear Foot blocks with those Autumn Scraps I happened to think about being Bare Foot at the Beach. Bear Foot...Bare Foot...see how that works?  And before I forgot about the idea I rushed off to my  beach fabrics and pulled some fabric that looked like sand and sea and made a few blocks. Oh, yeah...and IT happened...a new start...Bare Foot at the Beach. 

I've mentioned it before that I sometimes browse the Ladies' Art Company Block Tool to figure out what to do with scraps.  Just as an FYI the Bear's Foot and Bear's Paw are listed as two different blocks in the Tool but I've seen both blocks referenced as Bear's Paw. 

Also the other day while I was sorting through Autumn fabric and scraps I came across an Autumn themed charm pack and jelly roll that I won at different times a long time ago as well as a small bundle of quarter yards of Thimbleberries fabric someone recently gifted me.  I set those aside to be used in some project after I finished up with my Autumn Stuff scrap bin. 
Then it just so happened that someone with the online Stashbuster group posted a link to a Fragments of Cloth pattern at Sentimental Stitches.   Oh, was meant to be...a way to use those precuts I set aside.   I was inspired by the picture of the quilt but have to admit I did not buy the pattern because I could figure out how to make my own version without the pattern. If I couldn't figure it out then I would have made the purchase because I do love the quilt. 

 In addition to the precuts I pulled out some old swapped four patches from the Parts Department. And look! of them matched the fabric in the jelly roll. Someone named Linda made the four patch. It wasn't made by me. Weird, huh? But, oh yes, this quilt was meant to be. 
I also pulled some civil war reproduction scraps to use and picked out the ones that looked like Autumn. 
 In between other projects I've been cutting and sewing...sewing and cutting...
...and I have most of the parts ready for top assembly. 

 When I went into the sewing room this morning I asked that voice in my head what I should work on because I have so many choices. What to do? What to do?  It's Veteran's Day...
...why not work on those Kansas Troubles blocks in red, white and blue. 

And so it happened. 


---"Love" said...

Seems like you plan works well! I love those R/W/B blocks! ---"Love"

gayle said...

You make the most excellent plans!
(I've been eyeing that Fragments of Cloth quilt, too. I figure it'll be the obsession that follows after Demented) (AFTER I finish Demented, hopefully...)

Louise said...

Thanks for the tiptoe through the tulips of your mind! I don't listen or watch anything while I sew, either. There's plenty brewing in my brain to keep my head full :)

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, Cathy - you just helped resolve an ongoing dilemma of how to use a stack of 2.5" reproduction strips that were cut a while back from yardage. That Fragments of Cloth design is marvelous and I was gifted a huge bag of nice quality unbleached muslin last week that I can use for the alternate fabric (unless I find something in my LV stash that I like better). Thank you for sharing your wandering thoughts (and I totally followed your train of thought!)

MissPat said...

I see nothing wrong with quilters letting their minds meander. I think it builds muscle memory, right?

Nancy said...

I have been eying that pattern at Sentimental Stitches, too, and decided I could figure out the dimensions of all the parts. (I don't think I've ever bought a quilt pattern.)
The fabrics you've chosen for the quilt are perfect!

Linda said...

I just love reading about how your new project ideas happen. Better than a bedtime story! So, two more quilts in progress and those 5 Autumn ones to finish and.......... goodness how many other tops to turn into quilts, sets of blocks to continue to add to, etc etc. My head’s in a whirl, how’s yours? 🤨

Vicki in MN said...

And down the rabbit hole she goes! I love that you are able to come up with great designs using your stash. You get so much accomplished, how many hours a day do you sew?

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Fun to hear about your methods. I think this approach often leads to more productivity. Whenever I follow a sudden inspiration I get more done. Otherwise I can get trapped in the planning stage.

Anonymous said...

I too fell in love with that pattern at Sentimental Stitches. However, I bought the pattern. Someone worked too hard for me to feel comfortable with taking a design and not buying the pattern.

Cathy said...

Thank you for your comment, Anonymous. I can clearly understand how you feel. However, I feel I am not "taking a design" since I gave a link to the design and pattern and did not and will not claim it as my own. I also mentioned that I did not need the instructions so I did not see a value in purchasing them but would have if I had needed them. I will also not share any instructions as to how I am making my version inspired by the original since I would consider that actually "taking a design". I always try to give credit where credit is due when I make a quilt.

Again, thank you for your comment and I respect how you feel.

Kaja said...

I listen to music, mostly so I don't hear all my internal monologue! I like where your head is taking you though.

Bonnie said...

Bare Foot at the Beach is great. I don't think I've heard of Bear's Foot. Thanks for the education!

Shelina said...

Having three (plus) projects going does make it easy to find the project that matches your mood. The bearfoot at the beach is clever title. I really like that autumn quilt. I look forward to seeing your rendition.