Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Snowball and Nine Patch Top

It's a top!
54 x 66
Snowball and Nine Patch

And now this box is empty. 

The theme in my sewing space this month is "WITB" (What's In The Box) and "SAR" (Some Assembly Required).   This fit the WITB category. In the box were some nine patches, snowballs and other pieces and parts. At the beginning of the month I looked at what was needed to empty this box and have been making Snowballs and Nine Patches off and on since then until I had enough for a top and could empty a  box.    The month is about half over and I've only emptied one box! How many more will I be able to empty?   

I don't think I will get to the SAR part of my theme this month. I have a bin with completed block sets that need to be assembled into tops. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

May 11 - Surprise! Received two bolts of fabric. There was no packing slip so I don't know who to thank. The weird thing is that the anonymous donor must be a mind reader. I get emails from Marshall Dry Goods and I saw splatter tonals on clearance. I thought "what a good deal" and kept the email to remind me to look into it and possibly order some. I got busy with gardening and other things and never got around to ordering. So, someone out there is a mind reader and a blessing. Thank you anonymous mind reader! I can use it for backings for lots of comfort quilts and maybe even a background for a few. Thank you! Thank you!

May 12 - Mother's Day. A day to remember mom. I looked through a scrapbook I made about mom after she passed away. She packed up and disappeared one day when I was about 15 years old - the oldest of five siblings. After that she was in and out of our lives and most of the time she was off battling many demons. I am thankful she did not pass all those demons on to me. I do have some good memories of mom and hang on to those. Sometimes she visits me in my dreams and offers comfort when needed. May she rest in peace. 

May 13 - Finished another book! -- The Only Way Home by Jeanette Minniti. It is depression era historical fiction -adventures of a young boy who rides the rails looking for work to support his family after his father passes away.   I like depression era, WWII and Irish historical fiction.  They are usually tales of survival and courage in the most difficult of times and put me in touch with the lives of my ancestors. I'm also often left wondering what I would have done to survive. I am thankful life for me is good.



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry about your mom it sounds like you all had a rough time growing up that is always hard for a family to deal with.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love how the snowballs placed next to the 9 patches make stars show up! Every time you share that design, I think I've got to start making those blocks, too. :) I enjoy reading your celebrations with each post - hooray for getting a surprise fabric delivery in the mail and for being able think lovingly of your mom who had a hard life. Have a great day, Cathy!

Nann said...

Wow -- two BOLTS! Great for borders and backings (bindings eventually). I'm sorry that your mother had a troubled life. That experience certainly influenced your own mothering (and grandmothering). An empty box is a beautiful thing.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love the idea of WITB!!! This is a great one that came out of there - do tell us the shoes are like a size 40 or something so that when I look at my boxes I don;'t have a fainting spell!!!

Yay for the anonymous fabric!!! That's a great mind reading friend!!

Linda said...

What a super design. So clever how the two blocks come together to make those stars. How lovely to have those bolts of fabric arrive out of blue. You will enjoy using it. Glad you looked through your scrapbook on Mother’s Day.

Julierose said...

I remember this one--love how it finished up, Cathy!!:)00 Those dark triangles
really make it pop...nice work...hugs, Julierose

gayle said...

Love that quilt! It always astonishes me how two such simple blocks can combine into something so flashy!

Pamela Arbour said...

The quilt is great as always. I also want to thank your anonymous donor. That was a thoughtful and caring thing to do. I am glad you have good memories of your mother. Even though that book was fictional, it was based on the real life of that time. I too am thankful for the life I had.

mangozz said...

So nice that someone sent you that much needed fabric. You certainly deserve a helping hand once in awhile. I've often thought that if shipping was more affordable, I could send you some of my stash easily and not even miss it either. Sorry to hear about your mother, Cathy. It's great that you have some positive memories. I didn't have the best childhood either and ended up with depression. You certainly do keep busy though and that's a good thing. I bet you'll get through at least 2 or 3 more boxes before the end of the month.

Allison said...

Another great quilt top Cathy! I am in awe of your productivity.

Mystic Quilter said...

So sad to read about your Mom Cathy, thank goodness you do have some happy memories of her. May she continue to visit you in your dreams and give comfort.