Saturday, May 18, 2024

And Now There Are 288!

I did not have many pink scraps left to work with this week so I worked on another Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) project that has been in the works for a couple of years - Little Monkey Wrenches that finish at 5 inches all made from scraps. 

I had a goal of 288 blocks and only needed 47 more blocks at the start of this month to reach that goal. 

I ended up making 49 blocks because I may have counted incorrectly and besides - orphan blocks never go to waste around here. 

These will be set on the diagonal like a quilt I made back in 2015.  I now just have to decide what to use as side setting triangles. 

Oh, and the few pink scraps I did have left to work with this month were some 2.5 inch pieces I turned into some little 4.5 inch Windmills and a Potato Chip block. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

May 17 -- Sally at The Objects of Design has a monthly drawing for scraps. I was one of two winners in the May drawing and my package of fabulous scraps arrived yesterday.  Can't wait to use them!



Elle said...

You got after it! How fun to have arrived at a scrappy quilt goal. Your past quilt is fabulous. AND, those scraps could be a super fun addition....just sayin'.

Question: Will you sew these up as square in a square or will you make hourglass blocks?

Elle said...

Oops, posted my comment over on the finished quilt link. This girl needs to wake up I guess? ;-)

Do you hourglass or do you square in a square to get that finish?

Sara said...

The scrappy Monkey Wrench blocks are so cute! What a perfect little block for scrap busting.

Linda said...

Love all your blocks. The little Monkey Wrenches are super!
Another bag of scraps came your way too - looks like a very interesting bundle.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those Monkey Wrench blocks are fun in every color! I loved seeing the previous quilt made with the blocks on point - this one will be just as wonderful! Congratulations on your scrappy win - we know you'll put those to good use.

Quiltdivajulie said...

And there are more wonderful scraps headed your way … you do such beautiful and generous things with them!

cityquilter grace said...

crazy gorgeous churn dash blocks!

Chantal said...

Bravo on achieving your goal! Thanks for the link to the first quilt. It is wonderful. Love it.
I can hardly believe you are running out of pink scraps. It's a good thing you won some more. Enjoy! ;^)

Linda Swanekamp said...

That certainly is a huge group of gorgeous blocks!! Going to look great! Buddy and Molly sent me a gift box in the past and it was pretty wonderful.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Wow, what an amazing pile of cute little blocks! I revisited your Wild Little Monkeys quilt, and I'm blown away all over again! Congrats on winning the scraps, I'm sure you'll put them to good use!