Friday, May 17, 2024

A Couple Of Crumby Tops

Two Crumb Quilt Tops
44 x 59

Someone gave me a bunch of crumb blocks that finish at 9.5 inches. 

Someone else gave me....

...some striped strips cut at 2.5 inches. 

Instead of putting these blocks away for another day I thought it would be nice mindless sewing to make a couple of tops in between gardening, housework and hubby's physical therapy exercises I help him with several times a day. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

May 16 - I finally have everything planted in my veg garden! I have potatoes, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, two different beans, beets, carrots, cucumbers, snow peas, shelling peas, lettuce, mustard greens, radishes, spinach, kohlrabi, watermelon, cantaloupe, 4 different types of winter squash, and several different varieties of tomatoes and peppers I started from seed.  There are permanent places in the garden for asparagus, rhubarb and strawberries. Since hubby is on a feeding tube for his nutrition  and won't be able to eat anything I cut down on the quantity of seeds and plants and since I now have extra veg garden space I planted my flowers that have to be dug up in the autumn (dahlias and gladiolis) and Sunflowers in those extra spaces. Hubby used to help me with planting the veg garden but he is too weak to do so this year so I did it all myself. One thing about that...I work the beds by hand and don't stir up the earth more than necessary and hubby likes to till. I keep trying to  convince him that tilling brings up weed seeds. So now I'm looking forward to doing a little less weeding in the veg garden. And now I  can concentrate on my cuttting garden, cottage garden and native wildflower garden.  And sow on...



Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Looks great! I loved that you paired parts from different people to make the tops!

Linda said...

You made good use of the gifted crumb blocks and strips. You have been busy in the garden. Well done.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I don't till my raised bed either, just dig the holes for the tomato plants and leave the rest undisturbed, same along my driveway.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Great finished on the crumb tops. Sounds like you will be very busy in your garden this summer.

Sally Langston Warren said...

My goodness! You have enough vegetables growing to call yourself a farmer! They will be so much healthier for you than what we have in the stores. You made good use of the quilt blocks sent your way. You must have a good stack of tops now. Will you quilt a lot of them all at once? That will be quite a job!

Astrid said...

Homegrown vegetables are the best. You've been busy with your garden and I hope the harvest will be a good one. Love the crumby quilt tops.

audrey said...

These are so sweet! Love the scrappiness factor a lot.:)

scraphappy said...

I am SEW happy that you were able to take all those gifted bits and pieces and turn them into something beautiful. I am glad that the garden is bringing you both joy and food. What fun it will be to watch it grow as summer continues.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

amazing tops!!!
Glad you have your garden planted - it will be interesting to see how many weeds don't come up! you can do a *scientific* study haha!