Monday, June 27, 2022


9 inch (finished) Trip Around The World (TATW) blocks made with 2 inch width scraps. 

I've been throwing 2 inch width darker colored scraps into the TATW project box whenever I process scraps.  My box was pretty full of strips so I figured it was time to make a few more blocks to add to my collection. 

With this batch of TATW blocks I now count 42 toward my goal of 48. That will make a quilt 54 x 72. I was first thinking I would make a quilt with 7 x 9 blocks but I kind of wanted to keep the blocks in multiples of four. 

So now that I am so close to my goal I'm going to see if I can rustle up a few more scraps to finish up 6 blocks. I'll first go through my box of quilt back trimmings since I haven't sorted through there in awhile. 
I'm not at all sure I really like the very scrappy TATW blocks. Maybe I'll like them better when they are put together into a top. 

I made these similar to the way Bonnie Hunter makes them except my strips were 2 x 12.5. 

After I made the TATW blocks if there was a piece of the strip left over I made Broken Dishes blocks that finish at 3 inches. Aren't they cute?

And I added more Bow Ties to my collection. I'm aiming for 900 and have about 1/3 of them now. 

Then if there was not enough for Broken Dishes or Bow Ties I cut squares. The stack on the left has two identical 2 inch squares of each fabric. (There wasn't enough for the two little squares to complete a Bow Tie block).  I was thinking I would make Four Patches with those but couldn't decide what to combine them with. Neutrals would make the blocks look too much like the Bow Ties. Then I thought maybe I would combine with reds but then thought I would make Four Patches of complementary colors. Then I thought I would combine them dark and light of the same color. And then I thought I would put them aside for later.  The pile on the right are 2 inch squares. I have a box of different sizes of squares to use in future projects. 

And finally...if there was not enough left for a square but the piece was greater than an inch wide then it went into a strip for a future Chinese Coins quilt. 

And sew on...



Linda said...

I always enjoy reading about how you process your scraps.

Shelina said...

I enjoyed looking at all the different fabrics in this post. Love the angel and the portrait in the first trip and the African(?) fabrics. I think the trips look great together.

gayle said...

I've got Scrappy Trips on my to-do list - maybe I should try this smaller strip size, too! Thanks!

mangozz said...

I've made 2 tops using Bonnie's method and they were so fun and easy to make. I should probably try it in the smaller size too as smaller blocks always make cuter quilts. I like your color combinations - lots of deep colors. And I really like to see your scrap use progress and hear your thought processes. Thanks for sharing.

JCH said...

More scrappy goodness. I like your TATW blocks. It's gonna be really nice when done. :)

Betty C said...

Like, Love, and Thumbs up .

Grams Jean said...

You are having sew much fun sewing!