I think my April theme to move UFOs forward will be CHAINS.
The idea came to me a couple of days ago when I was working on these blocks I call Gallimaufry which are inspired by a vintage quilt. There are fourteen pieces in each four inch block. I cut the little 1.5 inch HSTs and bagged them up as I was cutting QST pieces for another quilt. I cut the other half of the HST from white or muslin scraps. I wanted white so the chains that form can be seen more clearly. The 1.5 inch squares and 2.5 inch squares come from the respective scrap bins. I made some in green since green is the color of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. If I remember correctly I need around 400 blocks and I have about a third of those made.
I started this quilt early last year.
Working on those Gallimaufry blocks somehow motivated me to work on my Carolina Chain blocks with light chains...
...and with dark chains.
I also started these blocks some time last year. After I made my Fractured Rainbow quilt that used 2 inch scraps I cut from scrap chunks I was left with a lot of 2 inch scraps so I started some Carolina Chain blocks as well as a couple of others that use 2 inch scraps.

While in chain mode I dug into my Trail Mix project box (started September 2014) to see what needed to be done to move it forward. I have three of the five different sets of blocks made so I cut pieces for the rest of the blocks. I've been using Autumn fabrics and my trail (or chain) is in yellows. I'm hoping it will remind me of a nice hike in the woods in Autumn.
Then I thought about my Interlocking Chains which I started in 2016 - fourteen inch blocks I made from 2.5 inch scraps. I need to dig it out to see how many more blocks I need to move it to flimsy stage. I'm thinking I have around 20 blocks.
And then there's my Jack's Chain #2.
Looks like I started it September 2014.
I don't think I've worked on it since April 2017 so it's about time I move it forward.
I'm looking forward to working on these old friends in April. How many will be flimsies at the end of April? Time will tell!!
Quite the collection of Chain Quilt pieces and part!! I'm looking forward to seeing them advance toward completion.
Your production is amazing! Just that last quilt is an undertaking all on it's own!! I wouldn't be surprized if you finish them all!!
Chay-chay-CHAIN..... Chain Away! I have discovered (after Lattice Birds and California Poppies) that I love chains. I look forward to watching you blast through your great chain projects in April. You are always so inspiring!
great minds think alike!! pulling out a couple of old UFOs to work on in april...
Uh oh. Seeing that Jack's Chain tells me what my new project is going to be.
Though those others are tempting, too. And I did tell myself I could start four new projects...
You inspiration, you!
You have so many great chain projects in the works! I can't decide which I like best, they are all so wonderful!
I would never finish a quilt if I used those tiny pieces. I get tired just thinking about all the little pieces you work with. LOL All of your projects are outstanding!
Hi Cathy - just wanted to let you know I read your blog at least once a week for the eye candy, your thoughts, and the inspiration for scrappy projects. I saw your comment on the Heartstrings forum that you weren't sure how many read your blog as we don't always comment. That is me for sure. Just want you to know how much I enjoy seeing your designs and progress. I'm commenting on this post as I have a heap of scrappy green 9 patches and this Jack's Chain pattern looks like a perfect fit...
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