Monday, March 4, 2019


 One of the Stashbuster Yahoo Group UFO random numbers drawn for March is #103.  I have a really really old  UFO #103 listed as "Framed Batik Four Patch".  These eight inch blocks were from a swap. 
 When I went to the bin where that UFO was located I also found a UFO I had not counted or even remembered hidden underneath the Framed Four Patches.  
This UFO is a batik Happy Block that finishes at 7.5 inches - swapped blocks from 2010. 

So now I guess I have #103a and #103b that I hope to get to flimsy stage by the end of the month.  My goal is for both to be twin sized for donation locally to Humility Homes and Services when completed.  

I guess I'll start with the Happy Blocks since there are extra centers already cut.  Then I can use the batik scraps leftover to make the four patches for the framed four patches. 


Nann said...

Could you combine the two blocks? Maybe you'd have to trim one of them down so they are the same size . . . the four-patch and the one-patch centers would contrast nicely.

Marei said...

I've been trying really hard to channel my "inner Cathy" and get things....MANY things...accomplished on the quilty front. It's not working, but you continue to be an inspiration to me!

---"Love" said...

That first is really an eye-catcher! I normally do not get too excited over batiks, but I probably will get excited when I see what you do with those blocks. That probably will not be very far in the future, with you doing the piecing! ---"Love"

Linda said...

Didn't imagine you were a fan of batik fabrics. But these projects both look good. No doubt you will sew them up in no time!

Ellen said...

Wait a minute....I got stuck on the fact that you have 103 UFOs. :)

Lynette said...

Wow!! Your 103 is gorgeous. And you're absolutely not alone in having a list that long. :)

Shelina said...

I'm with Ellen too, with 103 UFOs! Not that there's anyting wrong with that, but I am surprised they drew that high a number. 103 is my total number of quilts I have started, or pretty close to it. My finish rate is in the high seventies percent.

Cathy said...

Wow, I think my guilt would prevent me from having many UFO’s. But “many” is relative, and not everyone is blessed/cursed with a background like mine that includes guilting from the best - Catholics and Jews, LOL!! At any rate, I love your batiks, your energy, and your ideas. And just think, you’ve got enough projects to last a lifetime!! Well, wait. It’s you we’re talking about here, so I’d say three, maybe four years of projects....

Ann said...

I’m amazed how many projects you have. You’ve certainly found a good method to deal with them. Good luck with this month’s goals.