Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It's a Flimsy! Vintage Thingamajigs

Vintage Thingamajigs
It's a flimsy!
60 x 78

 Six inch blocks with twenty-nine pieces. 
 I started making the blocks last year after I was inspired by some vintage blocks on Flickr.  I am not sure of the name of the block so I started calling them Vintage Thingamajigs. 

The way I decided to make them may be an Ohio Star variation. 
I thought I used all the same red solid background but as I put them together and ironed the rows I could see that not all reds are created equal.  And that's okay.  Most of the fabrics were 30s reproductions with some old shirts thrown in for fun. 

So far I haven't found a suitable backing in my stash. 
I'm going to hand quilt with big stitches with perle cotton - probably black - in the red spaces. 


Nann said...

Wonderful! Having slightly different reds adds to the charm of this charm-filled quilt.

Shelina said...

Your choice of red is inspired, and with all the scrap fabric, looks so beautiful. I look forward to seeing it quilted.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I cannot believe you have your's at flimsy stage! I am still struggling to get through my second batch (this month's yellows). All in good time, I guess. Your version is FABULOUS!!!

cityquilter grace said...

simply gorgeous!

Julierose said...

You have a lot of quilt tops coming together...this is another beauty hugs, Julierose

Mystic Quilter said...

Lovely use of red here, it's a beautiful quilt.

gayle said...

Gorgeous! I think the variety of reds gives it extra depth! Another absolutely stunning top!
(I'll have to get my blocks out - I've hidden them from myself because I wasn't getting anything else done. Now if only I can recall where I put them...)

Louise said...

So great to see this one at the finished flimsy stage! I like how some of the hourglass sub-blocks sparkle :)

Ann said...

Yummy! Love the background red. It's the neutral! Haha.

Janie said...

That's a knockout flimsy! And you still have snow, brrrr.
But it looks like it was a good day for the photo.

Carol E. said...

Wow, you have been productive! This is beautiful!

Dorothy said...

Love it !!!

Helen in the UK said...

Congrats, it looks fabulous ��

Ellen said...

Very striking with the red background - wonderful!

Quilter Kathy said...

Another beautiful flimsy! You are so brave using red as a background and then to quilt with black thread on the red!

SandyPA said...

Well done! It looks very vintage-y with the varied scraps in each block and red substitutes. As for the backing, maybe this one: Sandy at

mangozz said...

This quilt is gorgeous! The various reds just add to the vintage look when quilters had to "make do". The blocks themselves seem to almost twinkle or sparkle because of the subtle contrast of the pieces.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh Wow another winner! The red is perfect bringing it all together! I love low the quarter square blocks seem to make it twinkle!

Meloney said...

I love your different reds and love that quilt. Lots of work in there. Beautiful

Lori said...

The name makes me chuckle! And I cannot see different reds.

Brenda said...

This is another beauty. I can't believe how you organized the colors in each block - wow!

Kaja said...

I love the way the red pulls everything together here - it's a really strong look.

audrey said...

LOVE this quilt! The red background was the perfect touch for this one. What a fantastic finish!

Vivian said...

Just wonderful! I always think to put feedsack prints with white but I love them here with the red -- gotta file that brilliant idea away for when I work with that stash.