Saturday, December 8, 2018

Go Figure

 For a couple of years I've been making these blocks from 1.5 inch scraps as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. The blocks measure 6" x 14".  I have been keeping my 30s reproduction scraps in that size separate from other scraps so I could finish some String Stars.  I finished the 30s String Star blocks so recently made these blocks (and then some)  from those scraps. 

I've been calling these blocks Whatchamacallits for lack of a better name but then I saw Sally at The Objects of Design was calling them Bitcoins and I think I prefer that name so that's what I'll call them moving forward.  
 Speaking of moving forward...I decided I should figure out how many blocks I have and how many blocks I need. So I took count. I have 52 blocks. I want to set them 14 x 6 for an 84 inch square quilt. The colors will all be mixed up so I don't need to worry about how many of each color I need. I'll continue just using whatever shows up in the scrap bin. 

So if I make 32 blocks next year I'll have the makings of a quilt. 
I've also been making these little 3 inch rail blocks from 1.5 inch scraps for a couple of years. 

It's also time for me to figure out how many of these I have an how many I need. 

 I sorted them into piles of 50.  And was surprised I had that many.  Again, these will be all mixed up in the final quilt and not separated by colors into rows or columns so I don't need to worry about how many of each color I have. I can just go where the scraps take me. 
I like big quilts so decided I'd aim for one 90 inches square.  (You know I've never liked square quilts but it seems that's what I've been making lately for some reason).   As of today I have 591 blocks. I need a total of 900. So if I make 309 in 2019 I'll have the makings of a quilt top. 


Linda said...

Love your two piles of blocks, they will make two great quilts near Year. Amazing what can be accomplished just using small scraps!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You are so good at making all those blocks out of your small pieces and being patient about the process until you have enough for the size quilt you want! I need to (and am going to!) take a page out of your book for my blocks made out of the 1.5 x 2.5 inch pieces.

scraphappy said...

Great time to get organized and make plans. Leaving notes pinned to the blocks is such a smart idea.

Shelina said...

Inventory day. I don't think I can count that high. It is a good idea to leave notes. I always regret when I don't leave notes for myself.

Sally Trude said...

Calling it bitcoin meant it came up in Google searches for people outside of the quilt community.

gayle said...

Love all your little blocks! Especially the bitcoins. 8)
I should adopt your strategy of leaving notes for myself. Though I'd probably just lose them...

The Joyful Quilter said...

Bitcoin? That is SEW funny!! I think I need to make one for DS1, just so I can call it that (since he "mined for Bitcoin" a few years ago.)

Kathy S. said...

Love how you have it planned out. Keep the baby scraps coming. They are adorable. Can't wait to see more of both quilts!

MissPat said...

I've decided that 2019 is the year I should finish up some of the RSC and Leader and Ender projects. Some of them need a few more blocks and others need to be sewn together, borders added, and otherwise finished up. But then those squirrels run acros my computer screen and off I go in another direction. And notes, yes, notes would be a good thing.

Katie Z. said...

What impressive progress!

Cathy said...

You are like the Little Engine That Could! If I were in your shoes I’d think Donation Quilt, sew ‘em up (adding a border if necessary) and call it good. So are so patient and steady, definitely not suffering from quilter’s ADHD!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I love your approach to quilting just making blocks bit by bit until you have enough to make the quilt that has been in your brain. I have some scrap quilts I have started that way and it is a very fun way to work for sure! I think I need to shop some sales and enhance my stash as it is getting quite low!

Julierose said...

I love the way you just throw out these numbers of pieces to be made!!! ;000
and don't get daunted by the amounts--
5oo this and 500 that..ohmygosh..I would have to go into a darkened room and take a nap to
lovely little pieces..hugs, julierose

mangozz said...

Good idea to keep a note with your blocks. I always think that I'll remember where I left off, or what sizes I was working with. Never happens. I also write stats down as I go and then lose the piece of paper, so I could never re-create the quilt. Go figure.

Louise said...

90" square is perfect for topping a queen size bed, so maybe that's why you're called to that size. Your rainbow stacks are growing tall! Skinny, but tall :)

Sue McQ said...

I think I shall call you Wonder Woman!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I loved it when you said you just go where the scraps take you. Bravo!!
xx, Carol