Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hooray For The Red, White and Blue Scraps!

It's a flimsy!
68 x 68

The pattern is Shiloh from the book The Best of Fons and Porter Scrap Quilts.  

Last year when hubby was in and out of the hospital and I had to stay close to him while he was recuperating I looked through a bunch of quilting books and bookmarked and then started several quilts.   
This was one of the quilts that I thought would work well with some patriotic print scraps. After I used up most of those I added in other red, white and blue scraps. 

I started this quilt and several others I had bookmarked last December. I am hoping to get them all to flimsy stage this year. 

Shiloh from the book The Best of Fons and Porter Scrap Quilts was inspired by a civil war era quilt in the Smithsonian.   

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

June 1 - Garden produce...I've been eating salad crops (lettuce, spinach, mustard greens) and strawberries from the garden nearly every day. I want to harvest peas for dinner tonight but I think it might be too wet out to mess about in the garden today. 



Vicki in MN said...

Shiloh is gorgeous! I bet it has some heft to it too;)

Nancy said...

You're a genius to choose red, white, and blue for this quilt pattern, Cathy. It bring to mind fireworks, perfect for our patriotic celebrations!

Chantal said...

I love this quilt. Bravo! Putting quarter blocks on the sides to reduce the big gap is genius. Looks like your garden has a good start. Mine is not planted yet. Enjoy! ;^)

Nann said...

What a Pretty Patriotic Pineapple quilt! And the Produce you Picked looks delicious. (We have a couple of volunteer lettuce plants from last year that I ought to harvest.)

Jenny said...

Another gorgeous quilt top, well done you!

Jenny said...

Another gorgeous quilt top, well done you!

Astrid said...

Gorgeous scrappy quilt! Those colors go so well together.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

It's a wonderful pattern and your colour choices make it pop! Beautiful work :)

Pamela Arbour said...

You really know how to make good use of your time. Compared to you, I move at a snail's pace! I love the quilt. You have made a lot of progress on it. Still praying for a good report for your husband.

Linda said...

I love this flimsy Cathy. So dramatic. Hope all is well with John, thinking of you both.

Mystic Quilter said...

Shilo is stunning, it has a real old style quilt look, it's going to be a treasure when you quilt.