Tuesday, June 18, 2024

String Trilogy

I sorted my strings and decided upon three new projects. 

The longest strings, like ones that come from quilt backing trimming, will be made into Feathers.  I'll be making a quilt called Feather Bed. I made one back in 2016 and still have the pattern.  It is an Anna Maria Horner pattern that was free when I made my quilt back in 2016 but I see it is no longer free.  The Feathers are about 18 inches long and I need 38 Feathers. I'm pretty sure I have enough of that green fabric for the background. 

As the strings get a little shorter and skinnier I will use them to make a Spider Web quilt I will use that black with multicolor in all of the blocks. I bought a bunch of that fabric for backings when I made Friendship Star quilts for my granddaughter's friends after she passed away. I didn't notice when I bought it online that it has marijuana leaves on it so I don't want to use it in any quilts for kids. 

I've made several Spider Web quilts using different methods but I like Bonnie Hunter's method the best.

And finally when the strings are very skinny and/or very short they will be made into eight pointed String Stars. I think I may use different blue solids for the backgrounds or I may just use different colored solids. I'm not sure yet. 

I will use Corey Yoder's tutorial.  I used it in the past to make Skimpy Scrimption Stars from selvages. 

I also have some strings with kid's novelties on them set aside and when I finish blocks for these three quilts I will probably add in colorful strings that are left over as well as some low volume strings to make Wonky Log Cabin blocks. 

And sew on...



Pamela Arbour said...

I just might have to buy that feather pattern! I fell in love with the first one you made. I love the background fabric you used and I am anxious to see how this background looks. I always love and trust your fabric choices. I'm getting a little bored with my string quilts. I need to put some life into them. Thanks for the inspiration.

Helenchaffin said...

I was just thinking of the strings I have that are so tiny I'll have to go into paper piecing lol I absolutely luv the feather quilt,it's amazing how the simplist patterns can make an awesome quilt

mangozz said...

I love that feather design. I checked out the link to the previous quilt that you have made and it's really awesome. I think I might give it a shot. That 8-point string star design looks very doable without the set in seams. Thanks for the link to Corey Yoder's tutorial.

Judy Nichols said...

You have chosen some great string quilt projects. I look forward to seeing your progress reports. Strings are one of my favorites 😁

Mystic Quilter said...

Wonderful string projects! I have a page marked with Spider Web to use my strings but never made eight pointed String Stars before, perhaps I should try - one day!

Nann said...

The feathers could be trees....just sayin' (imagining alternating these with little houses). I used Bonnie's spiderweb for a quilt. Her method was easier than I thought.

Ann said...

I remember your Feather quilt; good to see it again. These are good ways to use up strings. I like how you've planned for increasingly smaller bits, too.
I purchased some flame fabric once to make a dragon for my young son and only later saw the "pinup girl" outlines in the flames. Fortunately before I sewed it. Sigh.

gayle said...

I remember your first feather quilt! That's one of my favoritest ('tis so a word) of all your quilts!

Vivian said...

After seeing the blocks recently finished, I had to go back and see where this all started. I already see that there are others prior but love the various ideas you share here on how the strings can be used in different ways. As always, a lot of encouraging scrappy inspiration!