Monday, August 28, 2023

Monkey Wrench Quilt Top #3

Monkey Wrench Top #3
Blues and Grays
42 x 42

FYI - 

7.5 inch Monkey Wrench blocks

For the last couple of years one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) projects has been Monkey Wrench block in three different sizes - 5 inch, 7.5 inch and 10 inch.  It's always fun to make blocks from scraps until I have a big pile of them. Then it's always fun to see how many donation/comfort quilts I can make from those piles. 

For this top I pulled out all of the blue and gray blocks and then added a border.

And sew on...and on...

I am glad I know how to sew and that quilting is one of my hobbies. Without my hobbies (gardening, sewing, reading, genealogy) I think I would have a nervous breakdown. I turn to hobbies when I need to escape, relax, and clear the mind.   For the last couple of months I've been watching my husband of 50 years (in June) waste away and they still do not know all that is wrong with him. Hopefully soon we shall have some answers and a course of treatment since I've been taking him to doctor appointments and tests for a couple of months. Wednesday we are going in for more tests that were ordered in June. The wait times are just that long.  That's not the only crap happening around here...the drain pipe in the basement that goes out to the septic tank sprung a leak (a big corroded hole) and I could not find anyone to come fix it for a couple of weeks. So, I got to clean up that crap (literally) in the very old basement since my oldest son who lives with us is still recovering from having part of his foot amputated because he has a wound that does not want to heal.  It's been hotter than Hades up until yesterday and this old farmhouse does not have a/c so that's one good thing about doctor appointments and tests - cool air. My husband used to help me in the veg gardens but has been unable to even walk to the bathroom so I've been doing his garden chores (harvesting) and mine (weeding and processing) in the veg garden and he can't even eat most of what I harvest or process now although he might get down a little end of garden vegetable soup I have planned for tomorrow. I use the immersion blender on most of the little bit he eats now. I don't have time for the flower gardens because I want to spend time looking after and being with hubby instead. I barely sleep and check several times a night to make sure he is breathing and thank God each time that he is. 

And sew on...and on...
I'm glad I have hobbies.



LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh, Cathy, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I hope there are some answers for you after the tests. Thank goodness for our hobbies - I need that escape, too. Monkey Wrench #3 is beautiful - so cool and calming. Wrap yourself up in it for a quilty hug! 💙

Juliana said...

I'm so sorry your husband is struggling with his health, and I hope y'all will get answers and a treatment plan soon! And good grief about the leaking sewer pipe in the basement! With your husband and your son needing your care and attention, this is just such a pain to have to deal with clean-up, too. I hope that will be resolved very soon! Try to take good care of yourself in the midst of all of this.

MissPat said...

I'm so sorry that your husband is suffering from declining health. It's so frustrating when you can't get answers (or appointment, apparently). Add your son's situation and you have more than enough to keep you busy. I'm glad you find the time to keep quilting. That's probably what's keeping you sane. Be sure to take care of yourself.

Cathy said...

I e heard it said repeatedly that a serious personal family illness can be as detrimental to the caregiver’s health as the patients. I hope you find answers soon and that DH is restored to health. In the meantime, please, please slow down as much as humanly possible and take time to care for yourself. xo

Nicole Painchaud said...

Cathy, prayers to you and your family, thinking of you, of all the joy you have given me over the years, and reading your blog and knowing you are such a wonderful person. Keep on finding things to do to keep the stress at a minimal, remember, you are never alone, others are out here wishing you only the best... Take care love.

Jenny said...

I'm so sorry Cathy, to read about all the health issues you are experiencing with your son, and even more, the unexplained illness of your dear hubby. What a toll this must be taking on you all. I do hope you get some answers about hubby's illness, so you know what you are dealing with and can plan accordingly. Our hobbies can be a blessing to us in times of trouble. Please remember your quilting friends, in person or us internet pals, are thinking of you and sending love and best wishes to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry you and your family are going through these things.
Laura Haynes

Linda said...

What a horrid time you’re having - on all fronts. Thinking about you and your husband and son and sending love and prayers. Good luck with getting the drain sorted out. Concerned to hear you are getting so little sleep, although I can fully understand the reason. Any possibility you could get someone in to sit with your husband for a while each day so you could take a nap? As always, love the blue Monkey Wrench flimsy. Hope the therapy of putting it together helped take your mind onto other things for a while. ❤️

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your husband's ill health and all that you are going through right now. I hope that you get answers soon concerning your husband and some outside help to for you. Prayers for you and your family.

Julie in GA said...

I am so sorry to hear about the many health problems your family is facing. How frustrating that it is so hard to get answers, and also the long wait times for appointments. I'm thankful you have quilting as a comfort and occasional distraction. My thoughts are with you.

Julierose said...

Oh that is so sad about your DH, Cathy; I am so sorry that you are all going through this difficult time. I will send out prayers that they figure out SOON what is going on with your husband; and also for you--not easy taking everything over yourself...
Your Monkey Wrench in blues is my favorite so far--just lovely work on this Cathy--Hang in there and try to rest...hugsx2 Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am so sorry your family is going through such a hard time right now. Trying to get daily chores done and take care of your husband and I assume having to care a bit for your son also must be so tiring and you are close to the end of your rope. I hope the doctor's and tests can figure out what is wrong with your husband so he can get appropriate treatment.

Nann said...

Oh, Cathy -- I'm so sorry for all you are going through. It hard when our dearest loved ones suffer and there's no definitive answer. I hope the new round of tests is more conclusive. You do brighten the corner where you are with your creative quilt designs and the wildflower photos. Hugs to you!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is so frustrating not getting an answer about a health problem and test after test. Yes, sewing is a welcome escape and relaxing. Thanks for sharing this with us. It's hard to get used to helpers coming in but some states and counties have resources that are free or not too expensive. I found this out when my parents were needing help. The home health nurse was so good to them. Sending prayers for you both, take care of yourself too.

Chantal said...

I too, am sorry to hear about the health issues at your place. No family member or friend nearby to come and give you some respite for an hour or so? It would do you good to escape from it all for a little bit. When one is seriously sick the caregiver can dive into depression rapidly. You need to care for yourself too. I wish I could do something for you, but all I can do is send prayers and positive thoughts. You're in my heart. Consider yourself hugged. ;^)

Ann said...

I’m sorry to read of your husband’s and son’s health issues. I hope he gets a good diagnosis and course of treatment soon and they both improve. Most of my garden is frying in th eheat and drought. Like you, I’m glad to have hobbies: quilting, sewing, and reading.

Astrid Reflux said...

Sometimes it really sucks, having to be the strong one. Even though you can do it, it's exhausting and panic-inducing and so stressful, and also lonely, but then you don't necessarily feel like you can show that to the people you have to be strong for....I'm glad you are comfortable to tell us: maybe we can't clean up the crap in your basement (!!!!) or change anyone's bandages for you, but having a place to unload your mind is almost as good as having a hobby to keep your mind busy, sometimes. Perhaps there's a caregiver support group at your hubby's hospital, or even facebook groups full of folks going through the same things who will understand even better than some of us could. Hoping for your sake and his they figure out what's going on soon, and that your son is up and around and can help before long too. Hugs!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Cathy, I am so sorry. You are having a terrible time with no promise of things lightening up. I so wish I could help you in some way. It is so hard to be a caregiver 24/7. Praying for your strength and endurance.

Mystic Quilter said...

Cathy, so very sorry to read of the health of your son and your husband, I hope both can find some help from the medical people.
Take care of yourself when you can, some things may have to left undone in order to conserve your strength.

Beth H said...

I must say that I like the Monkey Wrenches square with the world better than the on point look.
I am so sorry to hear your family is going through so many struggles! It sounds like a lot!! I am glad you let off a safety valve and told us about your situation. Prayers for relief and solutions for you and your family!!!!

Cheryl said...

As all have said before me, I'm sad and frustrated for you. I cared for my husband for many years and it hurts that I can't reach out and DO something.
On that note, if you think of anything at all we can contribute towards, please let us know. It hurts to ask for help, but remember that it helps us to have something to contribute.
Much love, lady. If you ask it, we'll find a way to do it.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

I'm so sorry you have so much on your shoulders, and on your mind! You are right about hobbies helping us get through tough times. Please take care of yourself, and don't worry about what can't get done. I hope your husband's doctors help find a way to heal him SOON. Sending you a virtual hug.

gayle said...

All I've got is a virtual hug, but it's a really big one.

Tracey said...

Oh my goodness. What a load you have on your plate!! As others have said, you need to be sure of taking care of yourself too… you can’t help the others if you are depleted. Maybe there is a respite care available in your area? I am old enough to remember when doctors actually doctored instead of sending for endless referrals. Hopefully you will have some answers soon.

It is such a blessing to have hobbies to immerse yourself in! Your churndash is just lovely.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Cathy - my heart goes out to you. Life can be so darn hard . . . sending enormous virtual hugs of compassion.

Cindy B said...

So very sorry to hear about your husband. At least he is home now, which always makes one feel better. Sending get well wishes to him & your son! Now you take care of you!

p.s. Have you considered window a/c units? I cannot live in a hot house either.