Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Log Cabin Lunacy

Since last week I have made 47 more little four inch log cabins. Lest you think I've been showing the same picture of log cabins each week I decided to show piles of them this week. 

I have 255 out of target of 320 so maybe I'll have enough to start assembly soon. 

These have been a nice easy mindless thing to work on when I haven't felt like doing much else. I've been busy with end of garden produce processing and cleanup and have been battling a nasty ear infection, spider bite and hopefully the last case of poison ivy for the year.  


Julierose said...

I left off after making 20--that did me in...actually I like doing my strip blocks better--but then, that's just moi ;--)). I cannot believe you are making 320--you are definitely a charter member of the log Cabin looney club. they are very pretty all in a pile...hugs, Julierose

---"Love" said...

Hang in there, Kiddo! You will get them done, and your quilt will be beautiful! --"Love"

Robin said...

I sure hope you start feeling better soon. Ear infection, spider bite, and poison ivy are a lot for anyone to deal with.

Janie said...

Good progress, Cathy, stacks of blocks!
You do get a lot done. Take care of yourself.

Sally Trude said...

I don't believe you. I think you have just stacked a handful of log cabin blocks over a cat (not that I'm projecting mind you...) Or these are really normal log cabin blocks that you've had all along and are pretending to be tiny...

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Yeah showing the same block over and over when your making hundreds makes you start to think who wants to see these suckers. But there are a lot of us out there that know the feeling but when the quilt comes together it will be all worth it

Shelina said...

Oh to be dealing with three issues doesn't sound like fun. Your blocks are coming along nicely. I hadn't thought of showing the block again and again. I should try that one of these days when I haven't made any progress and see if anyone notices!

MissPat said...

If I were dealing with an ear infection, spider bite, and poison ivy, I don't think I'd be sewing at all. Feel better soon.


Linda said...

I agree with MissPat - I would be lying low if I was recovering from any one of these three things, let alone all three! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Perhaps sewing tiny log cabins is a new therapy you have invented: if so I hope it's working. 😊

Brenda said...

Take care and I hope you feel better. Those log cabins are wonderful - keep sharing.

Louise said...

I'm glad you have some mindless sewing to distract you from your various ailments! Ear aches are awful :( Hope you're feeling better and can sew mindfully now :)

Ann said...

When I made them, they also finished small. I like this size with the narrow logs. Good luck finishing them out.

Kaja said...

I hope you feel better soon. I would never assume you were showing us the same blocks - you are way too productive to need to do that. :-)

julieQ said...

OH my goodness! Look at all those wonderful blocks!!!