Shoo Fly
10.5 inch blocks
The Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color this month is yellow. At the beginning of the month I didn't think I had very many yellow scraps; however, here it is another week and I'm still using yellow scraps.
Shoo Fly
10.5 inch blocks
I now have 29 toward my goal of 35.
I have a box of 4 inch width scraps I want to empty and this is one of the blocks I'm making with the longer scraps.
Broken Dishes
7 inch blocks
I now have 48 blocks toward a goal of 88.
These are also made with 4 inch width scraps.
16 Patch
10 inch blocks
I set aside a few red, blue and yellow novelties to use in this quilt. I also try to match up the novelty with a scrap from the 3 inch width scrap box if I can. If not I cut from a scrap chunk.
I only need four more blocks toward my goall of 24. Maybe (or maybe not) I will make up the other four this week and get that top assembled.
A couple more 16 Patch in red, blue, yellow.
After I cut a 3 inch width piece off of that chunk of yellow fabric with colorful lizards I had a 2 inch width strip left so I made a couple of six inch 16 Patches alternating with green for my collection that now numbers 111 blocks. My goal is 120 or 130. Gosh, maybe (or maybe not) this week I will make 9 more 16 Patch blocks and make a top. I'll have to look at what I have in 2 inch width strips.
Sawtooth Stars
10 inch blocks
(aka Orphan Curtis because I've used orphan blocks as the centers)
Last year when I was working on emptying out a box of 3 inch width scraps I made a lot of tops. I didn't get around to finishing this one up but kitted up 5.5 inch (unfinished) orphan blocks with 3 inch width scraps to be used for the star points. These were the ones that had yellow scraps for the points. I only have 5 more blocks to make. Maybe (or maybe not) this week???
From a Youtube video. I rarely watch them because my computer takes forever to load them and then they are sometimes broken up; however, someone sent me the link so thought I would check it out.
These units finish at 2.5 x 8.5 and consist of two 3 x 6 inch rectangles.
The units get staggered a little so there are no seams to match. I will be adding a 3.5 inch unfinished scrappy border.
I now have 64 toward my goal of 88 (I think).
Floral Wonky Windmills
8 inch blocks
34 of 63 blocks
Made from 4.5 inch width scraps.
These scraps were left over from making Posies so that's why a couple of other colors sneaked in.
And sew on...
LOVE the ongoing block production, a baggie at a time!
Happy Saturday to you :-)
I am fascinated by your approach to using scraps. Do you have a list of blocks you attempt to make in decreasing order based on the scrap size ir do you just do what strikes your fancy? I love reading about your progress! Happy spring!
It's so fun to see all the yellows you have, and how you're using them in the blocks! I especially love the stars with their various centers. You've got seeds for lots of quilts here, Cathy!
There is always such a lot of sewing goodness going on at your place Cathy, you really do whizz these various blocks up in no time at all!
You've been busy! Lots of pretty, scrappy blocks. Looks like the coming week will be a busy one for you too, more block sewing.
Amazing number of yellows in your scraps Cathy, heaps there to keep you busy.
So many fabulous blocks completed. I like how you keep up with the number of blocks needed too. Have a great weekend, Cathy.
I'm loving all of your yellows! Thanks for including the link to the bits of bricks. Are you saving the cutoffs for HST's? Just curious.
So many fun block sets on the go, Cathy. Congrats on using up lots of YELLOW scraps last week for the RSC!
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