Sunday, September 25, 2022

Scrap Processing: 2.5 Inch Scraps

Bear Paw
6 inch finished

I was sorting a box of scraps I recently received and pulled out the 2.5 inch width pieces to process.  If any were long enough to cut 8 HSTs with an Easy Angle ruler then I cut and made 8 HSTs to be used in two different blocks.  

I used 4 HSTs in Bear Paw blocks combined with a 4.5 inch square from my bin of different sizes of squares. 

I've been making Bear Paw blocks from scraps for quite some time. One of these days I'll count out how many I have and how many donation quilts I can make.

Monkey Wrench
5 inch finished

Then I used the other four HSTs to make Monkey Wrench blocks. These blocks also use some 1.5 inch squares from the Monkey Wrench Parts Department. 

From scraps this year and next I'll be making Monkey Wrench blocks in three different sizes and at the end of 2023 assemble them into different donation quilts. 

If I could make 2 HSTs then I made Broken Dishes blocks that finish at 4 inches. I'm thinking I will probably make 2 quilts with these - one with blocks with colors and neutrals and the other with two color blocks. 

This year and next I'll also be making Broken Dishes from scraps.

Monkey Wrench 
10 inch finished

Then if I was able to cut four 2.5 inch squares from the scraps then I used them in Monkey Wrench blocks. I also had to dig into scraps to make four 4.5 inch HSTs. I have some neutral squares already cut in my Monkey Wrench Parts Dept. 

I'm making one Monkey Wrench quilt with only brown scraps and...

...the other (or others depending upon how many blocks get made from scraps the rest of this year and most of next year) will be all colors. 

There were a few other 4.5 inch width scraps on the cutting mat so I went ahead and made them into HSTs and then Broken Dishes blocks that finish at 8 inches. 

The rest of the squares got cut into 2.5 inch squares for the Parts Department. If I could cut four identical squares then they will go into the Monkey Wrench Parts Dept. or they can be used to make Indian Hatchet blocks. If there are neutral squares they are kept separate for Monkey Wrench block centers.   If I could cut a 2.5 x 1.5 inch rectangle then I cut those for the Parts Dept. They can be used in a couple of different blocks I'm making and I'll show you those when I process some 1.5 inch scrap. 

Anything less than 1.5 inch but greater than an inch or so got made into Chinese Coin parts. 



cityquilter grace said...

wow...a plethora of beauties...i love to sit and scrap sew every now and then...makes my frugal gene happy!

Linda said...

I am beginning to sound like a record that’s got stuck....... but I cannot believe how many blocks you can make in no time at all. And your variety of interesting and cute fabrics never cease to amaze me. So much to look at and absorb in everyone of your posts.😊

Nann said...

I so enjoy your processing posts, Cathy! How do you sort and store the completed units? By type or by size or by color, or by the way you think you might assemble them eventually? In ziploc bags or boxes?

Julierose said...

You have a really good system going there for your scraps--i need to corral mine asap!! They are overflowing....

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

It's such fun to look at all your fabrics. I love the little bird perched in the middle of a monkey wrench block.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Tons of great ideas and blocks. Thanks for sharing.

mangozz said...

Wow, you never seem to run out of fabric scraps and yet you are sewing a mile a minute!

sue s said...

I think I have too large a backlog of quilts to finish for family and friends before I really can organize my scraps. Maybe next year... Yours are certainly pretty!

Jan said...

You have some really nice blocks here. I like the monkey wrench block, look forward to seeing the quilts that come from these.

Shelina said...

Thanks for sharing the process and the plan. The wrench blocks are my favorites. said...

Wow! What great blocks! I like your plan and I'm always applauding you for using ALL of your scraps!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I don't know how you keep all your projects straight. I am always fascinated by how you organize your scraps. Thanks for sharing your lovely blocks with Oh Scrap!