Friday, June 7, 2019

It's a Flimsy! Bitcoins

It's a flimsy!
84 x 84

It can be oriented this way...
 ...or that way. 
 I started it in November 2017 as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge Project to use...
 ...1.5 inch scraps which I cut into 2.5 inch pieces.   Later I also used 2.5 inch scraps cut into 1.5 inch pieces. 
I first sewed 1.5 x 2.5 inch colored pieces to 1.5 x 2.5 inch neutral pieces to make a 2.5 inch square unit. I played around with them for awhile and then decided to join units of the same color into blocks of 3 columns x 7 rows.   I first called the blocks Whatchamacallits until someone else started making them and called them Bitcoins which is a more suitable and very clever name I think. 

Now to find a backing and get it quilted. 


Janie said...

Nice photos and weather! Your Bitcoin quilt is beautiful, great arrangement of color.

beth s said...

so beautiful!

Linda said...

Looking good! Just imagine how many small scraps there are and how many different fabrics there are in one flimsy!

Sue SA said...

Wow, looks fabulous.

Quilting Babcia said...

You have amazing dedication to using all those bitty scraps. Fabulous finish!

Pamela Arbour said...

I can't believe those pieces are so small but you did a fantastic job! Congratulations.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Absolutely wonderful! And I agree that the name is perfect.

Julierose said...

gorgeous quilt--it looks HUGE!! I like the color blocks your used...hugs, Julierose

MissPat said...

And to think that these are scraps that most people just toss out. Wonderful scrap quilt and many hours of happy piecing.

Mystic Quilter said...

Ooooh - glorious colour - love it!

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

You are a rich woman with so many bitcoins!! Quilt looks great!!!

Kaja said...

I reckon your quilt will hold its value better than the real thing!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

I have to admit I like your "whatchamacallit" name better;). Whatever you call it, it's a terrific collection of color!

mangozz said...

Yowzers! That's a lot of little bitty bitcoins for such a large quilt!

Louise said...

Scraps that small just shimmer in large groups! Fun rainbow piece, Cathy!

Shelina said...

This looks fabulous! I got the feeling that if I stared at it long enough, I would be able to make out some letters and words!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So beautiful but insane!!! Love it! LOL