Saturday, August 15, 2020

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenies


Purple is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color of the month. 
This week I made most of my blocks with 1.5 inch scraps. 
My scraps are getting smaller and smaller and I don't mind. 

I just started these 9 inch (finished) Double Irish Chain blocks a few months ago. I wanted to use the 1.5 inch width scraps left over from making my Clarissa hourglass blocks; a lot of which were creams, tans, taupes, browns. So the backgrounds will all be light browns and the center chain will be dark browns. The other chains will be in the RSC color of the month. 

I started these Plus Postage blocks last year. They are 10 inch finished blocks. They are inspired by a Susan Ache pattern I cut out of an old magazine. 

I started these 8 inch (finished) Postage Stamp Pandemic 2020 (PSP20) blocks a couple of months ago. 

I think I've been making these 3.5 inch (finished) Wishing Ring blocks for a couple of years now. The center is a 2 inch square but the rest of the pieces are 1.5 inch width. I will alternate light and dark corners in the finished quilt. 

Double X and Alternate Snowball Block. 
Inspired by a vintage quilt. 
These blocks finish at four inches. I think I've been making these for a couple of years too.


Linda said...

Great collection of purple blocks. Particularly like the Double Irish Chain ones. Whatever will you do when your scraps come to an end?

maggie fellow said...

great purples - how many ps blocks are you aiming to make?

The Joyful Quilter said...

You are really getting your money's worth out of every fabric dollar. SEW many pleasantly PURPLE blocks!!

grammajudyb said...

I’m admiring your “ stick-to-it” attitude! I got bored with a couple of blocks! Now there are not enough to do anything with! I’m going to have to get with it or give them away!

LA Paylor said...

tiny is good, it is so graphic. It requires more care doesn't it?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I really like the plan you have for the Double Irish Chain blocks! They are beautiful!

Cathy said...

So many cute little blocks! But all I can think about is trimming up those HST’s and the physical pain it causes for me. I re-injured my right shoulder and elbow doing too much yard clean-up this week (cutting and trimming with secateurs). It’ll take a year of steroid shots and babying to get back to normal. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy all your bitty pieces!

Julierose said...

Beautiful projects on the go!! I do love the red crosses among the purple squares a lot--so pretty....
hugs from afar julierose

Deb A said...

So many cute little blocks popping up at your house to join in their collections.

Pamela Arbour said...

You are always surprising me with your tiny strips!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I can't believe how small those double X blocks are. No wonder it takes years to make enough blocks. But then, I do love your quilts once they are finished. They are definitely worth waiting for!

MissPat said...

So many tiny blocks. I need to work on some bigger sizes for a while and actually get something finished. But first a baby quilt to sandwich and quilt (as soon as it cools off enough to do that). Right now I'm playing with 16 patch blocks from 2.5" squares.

mangozz said...

I am enjoying seeing all the purples this month. You have a good selection of blocks going.

Susie H said...

You've got a lot of really purple blocks to show. Wonderful quilts in the works!

gayle said...

These are the kind of blocks that make my heart go pitty-pat! Love love love all of them!

Shelina said...

So many beautiful blocks. Purple is one of my favorite colors so they are all so enjoyable to see. The plus blocks are quite intriguing.