It's time to declare some goals for 2017 Finish-A-Long. I have so many UFOs it is always rather difficult to narrow them down.
1. Butterfly Garden - hand quilting is almost finished. Binding is made.
2. and 3. donation quilts - need to piece batting and find backings and get them quilted and bound.
4. Selvage quilt - want to make a big one but need more blocks first.
5. and 6. More donation quilts in the top stages
7. Split Nine Patch - I won a bunch of blocks from Block Lotto in purples and grays. I need to make a few more blocks and then put it together.
8. Fractured. I call mine Frazzled. I'm stalled. I don't think I like that center column for some reason. I will probably have to switch it out. This is made from scraps leftover from another quilt - can't remember which one right now.
9. I need a few more pieces for this one. I forget what the one in the book is called (I think Red Center) but it is from one of Kathy Doughty's (of Material Obsession) books. Mine is going to be a rainbow version and have something a little different for the center.

10. Starz - This has been on my FAL list for several quarters. Maybe this time I'll actually finish it. Blocks are from a long ago swap.
11. A really, really, really old Mystery Quilt. I actually have it pin basted and ready to quilt on my DSM.
12. Rosebud. This was on my last FAL list but I haven't done a thing with it. And I'm not sure how I want to proceed. I need a few more blocks. This is going to be a big quilt.
13. Spools. I am dithering about how to quilt it - hand quilt or machine quilt on my DSM.
14. Snowflakes - Need a few more blocks and then some other things. This will be a lap sized quilt - maybe 60 x 80?
15. Dresdens. I think this one will be next in the hoop for hand quilting. Haven't decided upon backing yet.
16. Baskets, Baskets. Blocks from two different swaps and two different sizes. All are in 30s repros. I need to add some strips to the smaller blocks to bring them up to size of larger blocks. And I think I need to find where I put these blocks!
17. Sunny Lanes - swapped blocks in cw repros. I need to make more blocks.
18. and 19. and 20. and 21. and 22. - 5 ABC I Spy Quilts. Two nieces and two nephews' wives are expecting babies this year. One of those nieces is having twins! I just happen to have 5 sets of ABC - 6 inch blocks from swaps. I've made several ABC quilts for other babies in the family and after these 5 quilts my ABCs will be wiped out. I guess I'll have to start swapping again.
I have to say this is a VERY impressive set of WIPs! :)
Wowzers! This is a quarter list? I'd need to make a ten year plan, and I still wouldn't finish... 8)
I think you must quilt faster than the speed of light!
I agree with Gayle; this sounds like an annual list to me. And I think you're right about Frazzled. The center fabrics seem a bit more dull than the other columns. Perhaps you will only need to change a few.
wow, soooo many quilts! You must be very busy. They look great too.
That's quite a list--you better get busy--lol!! Lots of great projects--you'll be have lots of fun!
So many beautiful quilts! I want to make a log cabin selvage quilt - very tempting! I can see a row of brown in the center of the fracture quilt. I think it is fine the way it is but it does lead the eye up and down instead of around which you would expect for that layout.
I meant column, not row.
Wow! That's quite a list - so many beautiful projects! I have a particular soft spot for selvedges! Good luck with your Q1 finishes. Jxo
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