Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Posy Patch

Posy Patch
64 x 64
It's a flimsy!

Well, I actually intended for it to be 56 x 72 but I guess it was not meant to be. 

My goal was 63 blocks for a 7 x 9 block layout.  At the beginning of this month I had 52 blocks. This month's Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color is yellow so I made 6 yellow Posies. 

Since I was so close to my goal of 63 blocks I made 5 more blocks and met my goal. 

I've been making these out of florals- floral blocks made out of florals with floral backgrounds. 
I've been making 8 inch finished blocks using an old Block Lotto pattern called Violet Block.

I decided since I had enough blocks I might as well go ahead and assemble the top. 

I don't put blocks on a design wall (bed,floor, etc.) and usually just randomly sew blocks together -webbing them as I go. So, I thought I had nine rows down when I started webbing but only had 8 rows.  After webbing I had one block left over but thought I must have originally miscounted blocks.
So after I web blocks I start at the top and cut one row at a time from the web, iron seams between blocks, sew it to next row, iron row seam and so on. 

It wasn't until I got to the last row to sew to the previous ones that I realized I only had 8 rows. How could that be? Then I counted columns and had 8 instead of 7. Oh, dear! 

Well, I could take off the last column and add it to the bottom but I guess it was not meant to be because I did not feel like doing that. 

And the reason I had one block left over after I did my webbing when I should have been one short if goal was 63 blocks and quilt has 64????   Well, I actually must have made 65 blocks not 63. 

And so it goes...

WITB (What's in the Box, Bin, Bag) is the theme in my sewing space for the month of March. I'm wondering how many boxes, bins and bags I can empty.  

With this quilt top I was able to empty a grocery bag of Posies that was in my RSC Project bin. 

I'm keeping score:

1- Coins
2 - Legos

1 - Kaleidoscope
2  - solid 1.5 inch strips for 51 Waffles
3 - 1.5 inch strips for 9 Legos
4 - Windmill blocks
5 - Happy Block parts
6 - Posies

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Bunches of purple species crocus (and a few yellows and whites) have made an appearance in the lawn near the clothesline. You can catch a glimpse of them in the first photo in this post.  Yesterday we had strong winds as well as heavy rain and hail. The hail was about an inch thick in places on the deck. It reminded me of those little styrofoam packing pellets. I took some pictures of the crocus the other day. There was a little bee and several flies (someday I will learn the proper names for all the little pollinators) visiting the flowers. I'm not sure how the crocus will look today; however, they are usually a symbol of growth despite adversity and are pretty resilient little flowers. I have some yellow ones starting to bloom in a different area. I'm hoping this year to get around to making a scrapbook of flowers as they start to bloom so I guess I should get started. 

The Crocuses

Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
1825 –1911


They heard the South wind sighing

    A murmur of the rain;

And they knew that Earth was longing

    To see them all again.


While the snow-drops still were sleeping

    Beneath the silent sod;

They felt their new life pulsing

    Within the dark, cold clod.


Not a daffodil nor daisy

    Had dared to raise its head;

Not a fairhaired dandelion

    Peeped timid from its bed;


Though a tremor of the winter

    Did shivering through them run;

Yet they lifted up their foreheads

    To greet the vernal sun.


And the sunbeams gave them welcome,

    As did the morning air—

And scattered o’er their simple robes

    Rich tints of beauty rare.


Soon a host of lovely flowers

    From vales and woodland burst;

But in all that fair procession

    The crocuses were first.


First to weave for Earth a chaplet

    To crown her dear old head;

And to beauty the pathway

    Where winter still did tread.


And their loved and white haired mother

    Smiled sweetly ’neath the touch,

When she knew her faithful children

    Were loving her so much.



Julierose said...

Just loving your Posies quilt, Cathy--you certainly are productive with all these quilts getting finished...very pretty far none have popped up here yet...just some daffodil leaves...
Maybe today's rains will bring them out...hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

Great flimsy! Love the BBB challenge you're on this month. I await the final report :-)

Nann said...

I enjoyed the poem! Crocuses are a delight every spring. Your posies are a lovely bouquet.

Quilting Babcia said...

I love the Posies quilt. They're such pretty blocks. Thank you for sharing the Crocus poem, I read it to my friend this afternoon while visiting her at our local hospice/comfort care house.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such a beautiful patch of posies. I just love the whimsy of how you sew with whatever block comes to you. You are my kinda gal! It sure makes for a pretty quilt.

Jenny said...

That's a pretty bunch of posies!

MissPat said...

I kitted up some fabrics to make the Posie blocks while on my visit to a quilter friend in FL. Alas, when I set up my travel machine to begin piecing, it made horrible grinding and clunking noises. Something must have dislodged while traveling.
I arrived home yesterday and have miniature iris and some croci blooming. The squirrels and chipmunks have been busily digging up the crocus for several years now, so I don't have nearly as many as I used to. Daffodils buds are just getting started.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Crocus are one of my favorite flowers - so fun to see them early every spring! Your purple bunch of them is just beautiful. As are your pretty posies made of fabric!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Webbing quilt blocks was a new term for me. Couldn't resist looking it up. Ha! I've been doing it for decades. The posey quilt is the perfect one to work during the lead up to Spring as we rejoice over the crocuses and snowdrops.