Friday, January 31, 2025

Throwing Snowballs At The Castle Wall - A Hand Quilted Finish


Throwing Snowballs At The Castle Wall
It's a hand quilted finish!
48 x 63

The center block is called Castle Wall and finishes at 21 inches. Back in 2014 I had this grand idea that I would use my little collectiton of Valentine themed fabrics bought over the years on clearance after many Valentine's Days to make a Castle Wall quilt consisting of 12 Castle Wall blocks.  So in 2014 I made one block.    Then in 2018 I made two more blocks including this one.   Then in 2023 as I was evaluating UFOs and ran across the three blocks I finally decided my 2014 grand idea of a Castle Wall quilt was not meant to be so I made three different medallion quilts. 

In 2023 I framed the Castle Wall with a little solid pink border and made it the starting block to a medallion quilt.  Since the Caste Wall block had purple, red, pink and black in it I pulled out mostly Valentine fabrics with those colors. 

Then I decided to throw some Snowballs at that Castle Wall.

I alternated Snowballs with black and white corners. 

Then I needed to add a little length because I usually prefer to make rectangluar quilts. What better to add for a border than a couple of hearts and some roses! 

Then as you can see I big stitch hand quilted it all with black perle cotton #8. 

It has a pieced backing. 

And it is bound with LOVE! 

FYI - the other two Castle Wall quilts:

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

I received a box of treasures from Nann yesterday. And, woohoo, it included a big bag of postage stamps (PS) - 1.5 inch fabric squares - so I can continue on with a couple of PS UFOs! 


Julierose said...

Such a lovely quilt, Cathy; great back story to this one...Just in time for Valentine's Day too:))) Nice work hugs, Julierose

Helenchaffin said...

Beautiful quilt & the backing compliments it beautifully!

Quiltdivajulie said...

What a wonderful series of castle block medallion quilts this is becoming! Love your hand quilting - it adds SO much.

Juliana said...

This is a wonderful quilt! So pink and beautiful, and I love the name.

Nann said...

Love the names of this series -- and the quilts are beauties.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

How nice to have a Valentine's quilt ready for Valentine's Day. I like all three of the quilts that started with Castle Wall blocks.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

What a great design and a great quilt finish!!!🩷

time4stitchn said...

You highlighted the valentine fabrics well with your design. Great center for the quilt. I love that you hand quilted it.

Jenny said...

Such beautiful colours in this, I love it. And loved reading the story too. You must be keeping this one for yourself, surely?

Jenny said...

PS. I have my Valentine's quilt on the bed for the month of February, bitter sweet this time as Robin is no longer here, but he is forever in my heart.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Brilliant!! and who doesn't want to throw snowballs at a castle wall - Love it!

Beth said...

Fantastic use of your three Castle Wall blocks! This is a new-to-me block. Keep up your beautiful creations. Can’t wait to see your summer gardens! Beth in AL said...

Another fabulous finish! I enjoyed the backstory and love that binding!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Stopped by to visit and spied this lovely treasure you finished! I love how the castle blocks turned into 3 different quilts!