Tuesday, January 7, 2025

It's A Finish! Wiggle Time Olympics

Wiggle Time Olympics
48 x 54
It's a finish!

Last year someone in our Sunshine Online Quilt Guild  (an online group dedicated to making comfort quilts) challenged us to make a quilt using the Olympic colors of blue, yellow, black, green, red. 

I used plaids - mostly men's shirts- for my colors. I didn't have a plaid that was mainly yellow so I ended up using a multicolor for the yellow.  I finished the top in July 2024.

I don't usually have a couple of yards of any fabric to use for backgrounds in quilts but I do have quite a bit of that tan fabric so went with that. 

I quilted it on my sewing machine with squiggles and loops in natural colored thread. 

This one has a pieced back.  I had enough of that striped fabric to use as the binding. 

A long time ago someone gave me that piece of kids at the Olympics and I could never figure out what kind of quilt to use it in. I set it aside for a backing or strippie quilt because it was too nice to cut up. Finally the Olympic kids found their quilt! 

And sew on...

My January quilting marathon continues!

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Yesterday was my lucky day! A lot of treasure arrived in the mail - a bolt of red from Liz and a fully stuffed box of fabric from Dawn. 



Julie in GA said...

I love that Wiggle Time pattern (I've made one too,) and the you couldn't have found a more perfect backing fabric!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Great finish!!! and the colors worked out great!! yay for Treasure arriving!!!

Jenny said...

That's a lovely pattern, well done on another finish. Your quilting Angel's are really looking after you.