Monday, January 20, 2025

Irish Chain Finish

Irish Chain
42 x 54
It's a finish! 

Last year I received a very long row of six inch Nine Patches and squares plus some Nine Patches. I took apart the long row and I think I was able to get two shorter rows for a kiddo sized quilt.  

Then I used the Nine Patches with dark corners I received, made a few Nine Patches with dark corners from my scraps and cut some 6.5 inch squares from some neutral bits and pieces and assembled a top in June 2024. 

I quilted it with light gray thread on my sewing machine with diagonal lines through all blocks. 

The back and binding. 

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Just as the white Amaryllis blooms started to fade red and white blooms opened on three Amaryllis. Oh joy!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

very pretty flowers and love the quilt too

Julierose said...

Just spectacular amarllis (es? amarylli? plural??)--they are simply gorgeous...mine is being a stubborn Sally right now--teasing me with that bud that won't bloom!!!!
Your Irish Chain quilt is so the scrappy 9-patches throughout...nice job Hugs, Julierose

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Pretty quilt for a cold Monday morning. The Amaryllis blooms are beautiful. I just set one of mine in a crock today because it was getting too tall and top heavy.

Linda Swanekamp said...

It is 5 here, and so those amaryllis look particularly wonderful. The quilt is a gem also.

Chantal said...

Gorgeous blooms. Love the quilt too. ;^)

Preeti said...

Such a beautiful finish. Love the simplicity of Irish Chain - the fabrics sing and dance!