Tuesday, June 27, 2017

MoROSE Garden

MoROSE Garden is now a top!
It measures 84 x 96 and has been a UFO since 2012.  

Fast forward to this year. I'm determined to finish up all the unfinished things around here now that I'm retired.   I had forgotten about these 4 inch hourglass units but found them last month in a bag in my box of rose themed fabrics. 

I also found a magazine with the inspiration photo and some math that looks like the block count and layout?   Anyway...I could see that the magazine photo was only inspiration because I didn't follow the instructions that went with it.  My hourglass units are four inches. The hourglass units in the photo are 3 inches and are made using a different method.  

Also in the bag was a strip of 20 hourglass units by 5 rows all sewn together with LOTS of pins in it. (Pins removed before photo taken).  It looked like a vodoo doll with all those pins.  I think there were more pins in this than my pincushion.   The pins marked all those intersections where the points didn't meet perfectly which was almost every intersection.   This Type A personality could not handle this imperfection so the poor quilt section with pins and unused hourglass units have been fermenting in a bag in a box for almost 5 years. 

So what to do? What to do?  I ripped out the five rows that bothered me so I was back to 500 hourglass units.  Now, I hate ripping but I told you I want to finish UFOs so rip, rip, rip I went while I drank a glass (or two) of homemade wine on the deck and listened to the birds serenade me (these birds don't sew like in the animated version of Cinderella - didn't those birds dress her too? or was that some other fantasy?)  I had to rip because I needed a new start in order to finish this UFO.   

Then I threw that Type A lady in the bag and into the box and locked her away. And I gave myself permission to be imperfect.  I still had to try my best.  And with that I sewed like the wind. 

And the heavens didn't open up and lightning strike me dead.  No quilt police came knocking at my door.  BUT a UFO is that much closer to a finish. 


Podunk Pretties said...

Your imperfections are so small, I'm sure you're the only one that will see them. It's coming along nicely.

---"Love" said...

Do you really think anyone would notice a tiny missing point? With as many points as are matched perfectly, I don't think so! Just back off and look at the total picture! The quilt is very pretty! Nice job! ---"Love"

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think it looks great - if there are imperfections and someone finds them then they have too much time on their hands.

Linda said...

Such pretty fabrics. So pleased you worked like crazy to finish this lovely top. 😜

Quilter Kathy said...

You are so funny! I enjoyed reading your blogpost!
Your birds don't help you sew like they did on Cinderella?
Well, the wine helped and the attitude adjustment helped!
And it looks amazing!

Julierose said...

Oh good for you--I embrace imperfection--the only way to fly for me!!
(My Grand-mere used to tell me, "Julierose, only God is perfect. Every quilt should have one mistake--lest you think you're perfect, too!!".)

Now, I don't think she meant that I should totally embrace imperfection--but what can I tell you...I certainly have. ;))))

Now, your quilt is SOOO darn gorgeous--500 of those little hourglass units--no way!! Amazing--you are patience and persistence personified (P's galore there-- hahaha) Hugs, Julierose

Angie said...

Yay for forgetting about the imperfections! And I love that you have a BOX of rose-themed fabrics!

Ariane said...

Wow! It looks amazing!! Yeah for imperfections that look this good!!

Sue SA said...

Looks good to me, so pleased you decided to finish it.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I have a few UFOs that were caused by a fear of the quilt police. I think I will follow suit and just get them out and finish them up! Your top looks great!

PaulaB quilts said...

I hope that type A lady stays locked away and, if she hollers to be let out, give,the lock another turn. Enjoy all those beautiful rose pieces while you are sewing and let them cheer you on the way. Have a fine week.

gayle said...

Amazing rose collection!
Your hourglasses are stunning! I've been making little ones as leader/enders for months, but have nowhere near 500 - and mine are smaller than yours... I guess I'll keep plugging, especially with your quilt top as an inspiration!
I've been trying to let go of my own "all the points must be perfectly pointy" self and learn to relax. So far I can now go as long as an hour before reaching for the seam ripper! 8)

Cathy said...

Good for you! I'm glad that you were able to thumb your nose at the quilt police. The quilt top is beautiful, and it will be a lovely quilt.

Janie said...

Another beauty! There's nothing like a quilt top hanging out in the garden on the clothes line.
I do enjoy the stories behind your quilts.

Quilting Babcia said...

And a sweet and lovely UFO this is! No one but you will ever see the imperfections, if indeed there are any! We all need to banish the quilt police from our heads!

margaret said...

so good to see you are now completing this masterpiece. I have been retired 10 years but only started quilting about 4 years ago but still have lots of ufos mostly flimsy stage

Quiltdivajulie said...

Hooray that you locked that Type A lady away!! Love this quilt top - congratulations on knocking down another UFO flimsy.

audrey said...

Love reading through your posts. Good inspiration for us all!:)

Shelina said...

The quilt police tend to wait until after the quilt is done before they come calling. Priorities, you know.

Just kidding. This quilt is so beautiful, it makes me want to start one of these of my own!

Susan said...

This is fabulous! I have wanted to make that Kathie Holland quilt for so long, but I know I don't have the patience to make that many little hourglass blocks. Amazing that you did it!

Monica said...

OMG, yes, that is the same magazine that got me started on my hourglass quilt -- Sew Scrappy. As you know, matching all the corners did me in too, and my improv quilt was the result. I am all admiration that you stuck with it! Are you planning a border, or is it done?

Ann said...

I'm really stuck on Hourglass blocks lately. So lovely I really like your version. Congratulations on finishing the top.

Sharon said...

Well, I don't see any imperfections! Glad you locked Type A Lady away. She's not welcome in my quilt studio either. And it's been my experience that any non-pointy points are lost once the quilt is quilted, washed and snuggled!
Congratulations on getting another UFO finished!

Kaja said...

I'm glad you got Type A lady under control, it let you finish this lovely quilt. I find simple blocks like this very pleasing at the moment, and this is a very pretty group of fabrics.