Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hoarder Star Shine

In my sewing room there's lots of bags and boxes of stuff.  So as not to be labeled a hoarder (and to clear a path)  I decided I had better use some of the stuff in these bags and boxes. 

This bag hold all of the long pastel strings cut from the sides of backings. I used the shorter pastel strings in a string quilt earlier in the year. These are the loooooooong strings. 

I started sewing together strings and started cutting triangles for some 6 pointed string stars.  I need 248 triangles for the quilt I have in mind. (The one like I made earlier in the year with bright long strings on navy, hand quilted and on my bed.) There may not be much variety when all is said and done but a quilt, especially a quilt with stars,  is better than a big bag of trimmings (aka tripping hazard). 

And won't those stars look just fine on this piece of floral I'm going to use for the background? Well, for now I think I'm going to use it for the background.  A girl can sometimes change her mind. 

Waste not, want not.
Making something from practically nothing. 
Using every last piece is the part of quilting I find quite satisfying. 
Don't you? 


the girlfriend gap said...

You are the best at making everythig beautiful. Can't wait to see more. Scrappy makes me happy ! Janita

Ann said...

What a good idea, Cathy. I want to make a quilt with a red background. It's a goal for next year. Love it! Thanks for linking with AHIQ and Happy Thanksgiving. Hope your husband is continuing to improve.

gayle said...

Scrappy is always the best, and you do the best scrappy! I'm looking forward to watching all these stars appear!

Ellen said...

You are so good!!! I have many, many 'trip hazards' in my sewing room too but I haven't found the motivation to do something with them....yet.

Jean said...

Good to know I'm not the only one with bags and boxes underfoot.Happy Thanksgiving.

Linda said...

I definitely love using every scrap of leftover fabric! It's interesting to see how the same fabrics appear in so many of my quilts - the pieces being used get smaller and smaller until they become the tiny bits in Crumb blocks!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Scrappy quilts are THE BEST - this one holds great promise!!

Shelina said...

Yep better on the bed than in bags you have to trip over. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't need that much variety. There are actually people who make quilts with only two fabrics. In fact, I have a couple quilts with only one fabric!

Monica said...

Yes, making something from nothing is a big attraction to me too. And probably why I keep piecing and can't seem to get much traction with applique. Pastel pinks on red is a favourite colour scheme of mine, so it looks good to me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kaja said...

Ooh yes, I love that background with the pinks. Nothing beats a good scrappy quilt and you are so good at this! Thanks for linking up with AHIQ.

audrey said...

Definitely! Such a feeling of 'doing something good'! Love the scrappy results from these kinds of efforts!