Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Biscornu Finished

I finished a cross stitched biscornu. 
I found the free pattern for the cross stitch and many others at a blog called Cross Stitch Happy. 
I looked at a lot of different websites on how to assemble a biscornu. 
I stuffed mine with small pieces of batting I cut up even smaller. 
I wanted to use a bead in the center but could not find my beading needles (I didn't look very hard) so used little buttons for the centers on top and bottom. 
Now I think I will start work on another biscornu.

And sew on...



Angela said...

So pretty!

Linda Swanekamp said...

You do cross stitching too? Yikes. You are pretty prolific and talented!

Laura said...

Surprise to me too! I didn't know that you cross-stitched! What a pretty project! Merry Christmas! :)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a fun little thing, Cathy! I like the shape of it - not sure how you make that shape, though. I'll have to check the site you linked to. Wishing you and the family a peaceful and restful Christmas.

CathieJ said...

Very pretty! Enjoy your stitching!

Chantal said...

I love it. Well done, Cathy. Wishing you the best for Christmas day. May it be pleasant and uneventful. Peace to both of you. ;^)

mangozz said...

I always liked the look of those Biscornu pincushions. You are lucky that you can still see well enough to do that. Did you use regular embroidery floss? I would like to try one of those simply because I would love to have one. My eyes aren't what they used to be before cataract surgery and my lighting is poor. Hope your Christmas is a lot better than mine. I am currently isolating in a bedroom at my sister's as I tested positive for Covid this morning. Bah humbug!

Linda said...

Beautiful stitching! Enjoy using it. Merry Christmas.

Pamela Arbour said...

You did a beautiful job on your biscornu. I had never seen that before. It went together perfectly and your stitching is beautiful.

Hubblebird said...

I use amaranthus seeds to fill my pinchushions. They add a lovely weight and feel and remind me of the filling used in beanie babies. I buy mine from the health food store.