Friday, July 12, 2019

Oh Joy!

 Oh joy! 
Carolina Chains is a flimsy. 
77 x 89.5

 I started it last year to use 2 inch scraps left over from making Fractured Rainbows (aka Totally Demented aka Garden Mosaic). 
 I used dark fabrics with light chains and light fabric with bright chains and Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Chain pattern. 
 I really like how it turned out and my 2 inch scrap bin is a whole lot lighter. 


Oh Joy! The Daylilies are in bloom in the flower gardens. 
You didn't think I just sewed all day long, did you? 


Julierose said...

You have a huge variety of day lilies--they are beautiful...what an inspiration for quilts...
Love how your Carolina chain came out--
hugs, Julierose

gi quilt said...

Will be a beautiful quilt.

Sue SA said...

Stunning flowers and quilt. Love this quilt pattern, will have to get cracking on my own. Thanks for the inspiration.

---"Love" said...

Entirely a beautiful post! The quilt is fantastic! I sat and studied it out for a few minutes. Also your flowers are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing pictures with us! ---"Love"

mangozz said...

Your Carolina Chain is gorgeous! I haven't even started mine. In fact, I haven't finished cutting it out yet. And I can't believe how many varieties of day lilies you have. I didn't realize that there were that many available.

lvkwilt said...

I hope to make one of Bonnie Hunter's patterns one of these days...your quilt is amazing! Lots of pieces and so pretty! (Flowers are beautiful but your quilt outshines them!)

Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful lilies -- and that quilt is a stunner!

MissPat said...

I have a BH Carolina chain top done using florals and batiks but it's not really big enough and I haven't had to energy to find more fabrics to add another row and column. Your day lilies are beautiful, My are just starting to bloom, but despite using a spray bottle to individually spray each bud with first Liquid Fence and then Bobbex, the #$^&%*%$# deer have still eaten many of the buds just as they get ready to open. I've given away a ton of day lilies already and I think this year the rest will be given away or composted. I just can't keep up the battle any longer.

Nann said...

You have much to be joyful for today, Cathy! Lovely quilt and lovely lilies.

Linda said...

Your Carolina Chain quilt worked out beautifully. Love all the contrasts in the fabrics. The day lilies are superb, so many delicious colours.

Susie Q said...

The daylilies are gorgeous

Kathy S. said...

This quilt has been on my bucket list for a while. I need to finish a few others first. I LOVE what you did with the outside blue! Stunning. Your day lilies are beautiful! What a great summer!

Shelina said...

You have time to garden as well as quilt?!? Congrats on getting that quilt topped. It looks great! And all those beautiful flowers in so many colors look wonderful too! I have to go to the park to see pretty flowers like that!

Angie said...

I've had Carolina Chain on my bucket list for awhile. Maybe I can start making components as part of the RSC and just keep adding to the pile for a couple of years! Your version is great inspiration!
I used to have a bed full of day lilies, but they did not thrive for a variety of reasons. I think I can plant masses of them up at our camp, though, and they will definitely do well there.

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

Oh Joy indeed! There's so much piecing in that quilt! But it looks great. And you have so many different coloured Daylillies. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

Quilter Kathy said...

Your quilt top AND your flowers = beauty

Michelle said...

The quilt top is just fabulous! Scrappy quilts are my personal favorite. And your daylilies are gorgeous! I’m so glad you decided to share.

Louise said...

I'm catching up on my reading after being away for a week visiting family. It's great to get up to speed on all your sewing and gardening. So many pretty things in petal and fabric! :)

sewyouquilt2 said...

Love your Carolina chains and toyr lillies. Both inspirational