It's time to decide what I want to get finished this quarter. I usually do more piecing this time of year than finishing because it's too darned hot here without air conditioning to quilt a large quilt on my DSM. Nevertheless I'm making goals and if they don't get completed they can always flip over to fourth quarter goals.
1. Spider Web
2. The Patriot
3. Streak of Lightning
5. Black, White and Red (Read) All Over

6. Text Me
6. Text Me
7. Scared Shirtless
8. Crumby Yummy Candy
9. In a Heartbeat
10. Sunshine Round Robin
11. Cattywampus II
12. Puss in the Corner I
13. Puss in the Corner II
14. Happy Cats
15. Cats in Neutral Territory
2019 Q3 Finish Along
I believe you are the most prolific quilter I know! Amazing! And such fun quilts.
Wow, your list of goals makes me tired just reading about it! Beautiful quilts equal beautiful days, right?
The are all beautiful and fun but my favorites are The Patriot, HISS, and Yummy Candy. Your goals for 1 quarter are more than mine for a decade. Good luck on the race to the finish.
My Goodness! You have a lot to choose from for a finish. I'm betting you will have them all finished very soon! I like the patriotic one, but for some crazy reason, I do really like "Hiss" too. ---"Love"
Ambitious list! Best of luck meeting your goals :)
Like the spiderweb, hiss and candies the best, and pink lightning too! You must go through tons of batting...and thread...and fabric... I can't believe you still haven't run out of fabric!
That is a beautiful quilt show! So many wonderful projects on the go!
Amazing to see all these colourful flimsies! That’s a huge list of goals. No doubt you will complete quite a few.
Wow, that is certainly a lot of great tops! Ha ha, I like the name cats in neutral territory, and it's also a very pretty topc.
What fun quilts! You go, girl! Sandy at
Ooh, I really, really want your Lightning, even though I've never before liked pink and blue together! I want most of the cats, too--I'm usually not so greedy, but I wants what I wants is all! And I like all your others as well--you're not only prolific, you're inspired and inspiring. I'm saving your post to refer back to for details, and saved copies of some of those faves to my drool-over file. Your blog has been in my top five ever since I found it; thanks for adding so much enjoyment to my days! susanprincess at att dot net P.S. Want to sell Lightning? (Writes the crazy woman who has enough quilt fabric to stock a store....)
Holy mackerel - that is QUITE the list of quilts to quilt and finish! Good for you and GOOD LUCK.
Wow, you certainly have a lot to choose from. I like your backgrounds on the spiderwebs but am awed by how prolific you are.
Great projects! Several are close to the quilting stage. I love the Crummy Yummy Candy quilt! Happy finishing! You got this!
Those are all so great!! I , of course, have an affinity for the Patriot!! Do that one first - ha ha ha
Those rainbow snakes - love! And quite a few projects you have running. Hope you get lots of progress and maybe even some finishes done. Enjoy your sewing! xo Melanie
Eyes popping out of my head. WOW!!!!!
So much fun to see the ideas and colorfulness!
How great to see the Sunshine round robin again. I thought, "Hey a parade of elephants...I've seen that before somewhere."
I also thought one row looked a bit familiar and then I read your title. Hah! I contributed one row and yes I had see those elephants before!
Congrats on all of your work.
Wow, love those quilts! I think the candy one is my favorite :) xx
Wow! Nice list...I love the variety of the quilts you have. I can totally relate to not wanting to quilt without AC. On behalf of the FAL crew, thank you for joining in!
Haha. “Scared Shirtless”. This is my all time favorite quilt using salvages... so creative. Great quilts and I especially like your bold use of color. As for me, I ended up with a wonderful neighbor some five years ago but non quilter. Have you ever thought of moving to Maine?
Just thinking out loud.
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