Monday, July 22, 2019


Traditional block is Bright Hopes. 

I've been making them from a small box of low volume scraps and now have 324 of them. 
Most of those scraps are now gone except for the white on white (WOW) fabrics because I've been using them as Garlic Knot backgrounds. 

I've been making a few each morning before I head out to weed the flower and veggie gardens and then I iron and count them when I get a big stack of blocks made.  I'm always pleasantly surprised when I take count.  I hardly ever cut all my pieces before I start a quilt...I cut some, then sew some, cut some, then sew some. 

When I first started making them I had no idea what size quilt all those scraps would make and figured out how many blocks were needed for two different sizes of quits. It just dawned on me as I was writing this post that my math was based on a four inch finished block and these blocks finish at 4.5 inches. So,  I just quickly did some calculations based on the 4.5 inch block. Good news...361 blocks will make a quilt 85.5 x 85.5. Although I don't really like square quilts they do work fine on my bed.  Now I only need 37 more blocks.  


Shelina said...

These are really pretty blocks. Partial seams! And so nice that you are so close to the finish line. I have a tendency to run out of low volume fabrics too and have made an effort to buy more of them when I shop. Love all the variety you have of those low volume prints.

Nann said...

What lovely, summer-y blocks!

Nann said...

...and, like you and Shasta, my low-volume-lights stash is lacking. (And the "light neutrals," which are a characteristic of Quiltville mysteries.) Always good to have a legitimate reason for fabric shopping!

straythreads said...

love those soft colors can't wait to see it finished

Ann said...

I think this will make a cool summery quilt for your bed. And isn’t it nice to know you don’t need quite as many as you thought?

Denise said...

So pretty, I love the soft colors.

mangozz said...

I definitely need a lot more neutrals. I usually gravitate toward the brighter colors when shopping, although now my stash enhancement is at a stand still.

Ruth K. said...

What a fun block to make! I've been making this block too. I have 122, so have quite a ways to go.

Connie said...

Such a time-consuming job, but well worth it. It's going to be a lovely quilt. I love the soft colors.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I have an overabundance of low volume / light neutrals and this quilt design is calling my name. Not ready to tackle the cutting out part but I am definitely saving the idea!! I adore the name you chose, too.

Linda said...

As always I’m amazed by the variety of your fabric scraps. Fun to spot little pigs, a cupcake and 1940s style children’s book characters.

audrey said...

You always make it look so easy! It's all about the little steps along the way, but you definitely end up with some great quilts from your methods!

gayle said...

Love these soft friendly blocks! (But the temptation to use them for background for applique is soooo strong...)
Glad the math came to your rescue and you're so close to your goal!