Thursday, July 25, 2019

3256 Triangles

When I made my July One Monthly Goal I posed the question: How many triangles does it take to make a quilt?   I've done a little math and now know the answer for my quilt is 3256. That is 44 rows of 74 triangles and a quilt that will measure 84 x 88.  I started making the triangle units back in November 2016 as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project to use 2.5 inch scraps and made them throughout 2016 and 2017 following a tutorial on Molly Flanders blog. 
 I quit making those little units when I thought I had enough for a quilt. I had no idea how many units I had. I hadn't counted as I went along. July OMG was to sew those triangle units into rows that consisted of 36 triangle units and empty the box. 
 My goals was accomplished. I now have an empty box. I actually filled it back up again after I emptied it and then emptied it again. 
 After I sewed the box of units together I only had 25 rows and I wanted 44. So I cut and made more triangle units from the 2.5 inch scrap bin and scrap chunks I cut into 2.5 inch pieces. 

So now I have 44 rows and more than completed my July OMG so time to link up to: 

And now I've been sewing those rows together so maybe in August I'll have a completed top.  But it's pretty time consuming matching and pinning all those triangle points. 12 rows sewn together only 32 more to go! 


gayle said...

Triangles are so irresistible!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

a great way to use scraps - it really is a pretty quilt - so colorful

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Love you triangles. Made a pretty quilt.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

That's a lot of triangles! 😀 Congratulations on emptying the box and reaching your goal!

Linda said...

This is Amazing! How you made all those triangles is mind boggling!

Linda said...

This is Amazing! How you made all those triangles is mind boggling!

Toni Macomb said...

Love your blog! You are so inspiring! Yesterday I went to the Latimer Textile Museum in Tillamook, Oregon. I went with two women that were delivering quilts for sale. The curator/volunteer, who they both knew, shared a hexie quilt that she was working on with us and when asked "how big are you making it" she replied "I don't know. It hasn't told me yet" I thought of this about this post!

Libby in TN said...

It will be a sweet quiilt.

Louise said...

I like how the empty box says "thank you, thank you!" all over the inside. It's clearly very please about being emptied :)

mangozz said...

I've always love triangle quilts but haven't made one yet, although I do have the template. It's really a perfect quilt design for scraps.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Oh wow!! Such little pieces! The quilt looks great.
xx, Carol

grammajudyb said...

Wowza! That’s a lotta triangles!! Good job!

SandyPA said...

Congratulations on reaching a finished size! I'm still near the beginning of my own triangle quilt. Sandy at

Shelina said...

Empty box! I tend not to count, because then the number seems overwhelming. You've made great progress! That is a lot of triangles!

Kaja said...

Congratulations on your empty box! If I counted I think I would lose heart before I got to the end.

Nann said...

An empty box is a good thing! Your Thousand Pyramids -- well, 3,000 Pyramids -- look wonderful.

Patty said...

Looks great! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

Cindy said...

While I love triangle quilts, I would lose my mind sewing all those together!!!! I will just admire yours afrom afar! Great job! you have more patience than me.

Quilter Kathy said...

OMG this is another fantastic accomplishment... such a great scrap quilt!