Sunday, September 3, 2017

All Creatures Great and Small 25-36

All Creatures Great and Small
I've finished another dozen and now have 36 little hexies.  Not sure what my goal happens to be so I'll just keep making them when I have a few minutes here and there. 


Deb A said...

Love the kitties and those hedgehogs running around the hexie!

Angie said...

Love them all! My flamingo hexies have been neglected recently; I need to get some new blocks prepped!

gayle said...

This is the best I Spy ever!

CathieJ said...

Have you ever read the book "All Creatures Great and Small" by James Herriot. It was one of my favorites as a teen. Your title made me smile because of it. Your hexies are great.

Linda said...

I love your ongoing projects. Hexies are not on my horizon although many of your projects are most certainly are!

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

Those have to be the funnest hexies I've seen. Love all those adorable little animals. That is a work of love. Happy sewing! Andrea

Shelina said...

So lovely. My favorite is the yellow star with the red background.

margaret said...

hexies are multiplying, like you I fill in the odd few minutes and now have quite a stack of hexie flowers not sure what will happen to them

Julierose said...

Great hexagon those kitties...hugs, Julierose